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(Family home rp)
22 / Other / Single
Meow, Georgia - United States
Welcome to our humble home!
We a family of 6!
We have:
Henry -Vincent :
Father of the year could go this man right here!
He's a great lover and amazing father.
A good paying job as a construction worker
While he's Hella busy-he still makes Time for his family, especially his loving wife!.

Vanessa -Vincent :
A amazing mother,while currently unemployed she does take part-time jobs to chip in once in awhile and plan on opening her own bakery!
She's a amateur mom who makes homemade meals for her kids and stays home to watch over the baby, though it's never a boring time for them as she's the best freind her son could ever need!.

Melissa- Vincent :
The oldest girl in the family and plans on moving out when she finds herself a stable job. She's your typical older sister , mean, bossy- the whole package. But she does have a heart and cares deeply for her siblings and mom and dad! She gets good grades and is currently tutoring her lil brother who failing in history. She has a nack of working with kids and wants to be a teacher. Also a neat freak.

Quinn and Linda -Vincent :
These two are the families trouble makers!
While they may be twins they are not the same!
Quinn the oldest of the twins likes to read and paint and play the violin! But at the same time he doesn't mind getting a bit dirty with his sister and play in the rain or make mud pies!
He's the silent type and doesn't have that many friends but he couldn't care less. One thing to mention is despite his smarts he lacks in emotional and social cues. This doesn't stop him from trying to socialize with others.
He also is failing in history due to falling asleep in class and is currently being tutoring

Linda is the youngest by a few minutes and she is the loudest and far outgoing one of the two.while people think quin has the smarts she is equally as smart as her brother and it shows in her actions-not words! She's very creative and comes up with plans and schemes to make a quick buck and is very good at persuading people. Yes she maybe be wild but she doesn't mind sitting down with her brother and doing activities like finger painting and reading.

Little Johnny- Vincent :
The baby
He is just a baby
Rules and boundaries:
Will add later on
They have another kid named Charles, whose kinda doesn't show up alot.(he was made to balance out the gender but I'm not adding him to the roster as they're too many males so female or whatever but he could also be more than that)

They have a dog named Becky!

Start roleplaying with members like Willistonstreet!



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Latest Status

My schedule seems to be busy
I have a test tomorrow and next week
But I'll be free the whole weekend!
0  Apr 25th 2024 12:08

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