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10 Friends



23 / Male / Forever Alone
., . - United States
Yo! Welcome to my little place in this space.

Just as a lil' introduction, I'm just someone that really enjoys writing. Absolutely crazy, I know. Been doing it for well over half a decade now, so I'd like to think I'm somewhat competent. My absolute favorite genres are fantasy and horror. But that doesn't mean I strictly stick to those, I'm open to most every genre and idea. I'm open to most every role too. From a goody two shoes knight in shining armor to a bastard devil who's only emotion is malice, and everything in-between.

Though, I do have some preferences when it comes to my roleplay partners. First and foremost, I have to be able to understand what you're typing. Mistakes are all fine, but if I'm scratching my head trying to decipher a post, there's an issue. If it's slang I don't know, I'll just ask you about it. With post length, I know that I can write a lot at times. I don't expect everyone to match, however I don't like one-liners. I find them difficult to work with and it can be irritating writing multiple paragraphs and getting hit with one line.

When it comes to N*FW content, please don't try to make it the main focus. A steamy moment here and there isn't gonna kill me, but I prefer to fade to black those types of scenes. With other adult themes, there are definitely things that make me uncomfortable. I would rather not list them here. If I tell you that something makes me uncomfortable and that I don't wish to continue, please respect that. If you continue to push it, I will block you.

But, other than those things listed, I don't think I'm too picky. Just be decent and everything will be peachy. Feel free to send me a friend request. I can't wait to see what sort've stories we come up with.

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