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Trickstress's Blog

Kita von Sneinburg

Name: Kita von Sneinburg
Nicknames: The Fluffy One, the Ice-cold saviour
Age: 26
Height: 1.8 metres
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Bisexual
Sub or dom: Sub, though can switch depending on situation.


Introversion / Extroversion: 100% to 0%
Enjoys: Being alone, reading, making art, playing in the snow, being pinned down by people or dominated.
Hates: Heavy cold, people making her feel guilty and people showing disrespect to nature.

Positives: Cute, welcoming to people in need, helpful and a great friend
Negatives: Not very approachable, cold to strangers, can be obsessive about things


Kita went away from home at around only 15 years of age after her parents did something terrible to their home pet, after it had destroyed something. She couldn't believe she was family of those people, and went to live in a cabin in the cold snowy woods atop a mountainous peak. She learnt to live in harmony with nature, though her parents still have the cops seeking her and are rather angry, even sending bounty hunters to find her and bring her back. She's like a snowy, runaway princess.... but not a royal.
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 17th 2024 14:10

Fere Vente

Name: Fere Vente
Nicknames: Magna Clune, Sapphirus Stella (Both Latin-ish)
Age: 22
Height: 1.5 metres (Very short) or 4.9 Feet
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Pansexual
Sub or dom: Sub

Introversion to Extroversion: 80% to 20%
Enjoys: Making art, writing, reading, silence.
Hates: Too much noise, gore, people calling her by her first nickname

Positives: Creative, cute, always ready and approachable with problems.
Negatives: Loves being alone at times, can't concentrate very well, quickly flustered.


Battle class: Magical Artist!
- Magical Artists utilise a special paintbrush to create artworks that have effects. These effects are often used to calm friends or heal them, though can be used for offensive purposes. Beside this they utilise things like painbrushes for weaponry- though they are rather unskilled at it.

Race: Songbird Harpy: A special harpy that can exchange it's wings for arms at any given moment. The wings are usually blue and purple feathers, and they are incredible at art and music.

Weapons: Paintbrush spear, Canvas shield.
Armor: A thin and tight suit of leather armor that has been painted in all colours of the rainbow!
Spells and magic:
-Paint: Create something from the imagination in the air using a paintbrush, and create a result on it based on what was made.
-Minor Soothing Voice: Calms down a creature of choice as long as the user is whispering or speaking to them.
-Whipping Wall of Wind: A special spell that takes long to cast, but creates a wall out of frozen air that lashes back at anything that attacks it. Alternative casting: Whipping Plate of Wind: The wall is instead on a piece of armor of choice.


Fere is an adorable little gal, but was often taken advantage of at young age due to being too trusting, kind and having a mental illness. These bad early experiences created a distrust to most people. Nowadays she rarely interacts with other people, despite her great skill at magic and strategizing. She spends most her days traveling abroad unnoticed as some kind of vigilante.
Due to her young experiences she may put up a brave face upon meeting anyone... however, she will very quickly get flustered by people and often tries to just fly away from them upon this happening.
She loves interacting with animals though! Due to her mental illness she tends to hallucinate and believe they speak back, though mostly it's just complete gibberish she hears. She has issues with many evil groups all over the world due to her traveling vigilanteism, meaning it's difficult for her to stop traveling.
However, recently she has joined the 'Guild': a special, huge orginization that helps adventurers by granting them quests to keep people safe, solve nearby problems or hunt dangerous monsters!
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 16th 2024 11:17

Miri Morata

Name: Miri Morata.
Nicknames/Aliases: Red stripe
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 21
Additional information: Great at skateboarding and other outside tricks, a moderately good but very competitive video gamer and works in an underground fighting club, though she tells people she's actually jobless. She's powerful in combat by using her fists, feet and her special dashing manoeuvres to get around- however, despite her agility she's not quite very strong and can easily be overwhelmed with simple, well-aimed force.
Sub or dom: May vary per RP, though leaning more to the Sub side when overpowered whereas being a Dom when not flustered or the liking.
Strength: 6/10
Agility: 9/10
Intelligence: 6/10
Cuteness: 8/10
Social Skills: 4/10
Current situation (financial, house, etc.): 3/10
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10 | 3 Comments | Apr 15th 2024 18:24