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TheRomanticRP-er's Blog

My Rules

1. Use proper grammar
Now, I don't mean pitch perfect grammar, because everybody makes a few mistakes here and there, especially if you are not a native speaker. But don't be lazy when typing.

2. Write in detail
Speaking of typing, I like a good description. I am very much literate, so I take my time to type out detailed descriptions of characters, locations and so on. I expect the same from you.

3. No NSFW without buildup
Listen, I understand that some people want to do NSFW, I can understand the appeal. But I really dislike when people roleplay just to get off. If I do er*t*c roleplay, it's to bring the romantic bond between the characters to new heights, it's about passion and not some cheap kinky plays.

4. Respect me and my boundaries
It's pretty obvious, but had some people blatantly ignore my boundaries, so I'll write this just in case. If you push them, I'll warn you, if you keep it up, you get blocked. It's that simple.

5. Be polite
Another obvious, it would seem like, but many people have an attitude for no apparent reason. I'll try to be as polite as possible, and I'd really appreciate it if you could do the same.

6. Make sure to let me know if anything bothers you
I know far too many people that have something they don't like, which they just go along with. Roleplay is a 2 way street, if we don't enjoy it together, what's the point? Don't be afraid to speak your mind, I will be here to listen.

7. Put effort into the plays
There is nothing worse than a roleplay where somebody doesn't care for the story as same as their partner. I like to go deep into a few roles, and Cheap, effortless replies are the worst one can get in these situations.

8. Don't bother me for replies
If I don't reply, I might have things to tend to. Of course, if I don't respond for a while, by all means drop me a quick text, that it's my turn, I might've forgot, or didn't get a notification. But don't bombard me with messages if I didn't reply for a while, we all have lives.
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7 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2024 10:06

Krait (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss OC)

Name: Krait
Age: 26 (at time of death)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Top/Bottom: Both
Gender: Male
Species: Sea demon
Class: Overlord
Alias: Demon of the Abyss
Occupation: Freelancer


Hydrokinesis - The ability to control any liquid nearby him to his will. Can be overwritten by somebody with more power.

Shapeshifting - As many overlords, he too has the ability to take on a much larger and deadlier form, that being a gigantic sea serpent.

The Abyss - Krait's most powerful ability. The Abyss is a place where he (if has the power to do so) can drag enemies. It is a dark place, like the bottom of the ocean, but it is just light enough for anyone in it to see, to get a glimpse of whatever lurks in the shadows, filling even the most brave hearts with dread. However, it is not a place people with the right abilities cannot escape. He can open portals to this place anywhere.

Poison of the Abyss - A poison granted to Krait by his demonic body (sort of like Valentino's poison). Any target which this poison is inflicted on will experience vivid hallucinations, mostly of what they fear most, as well as weakening them physically

Regeneration - When in contact with water, he can regenerate minor damage.

Summoning - Using his Abyss ability, he can summon various sea creatures to be of his assistance.

Weaknesses: Holy weapons, holy magic, other overlords.

Personality: Krait has a jumpy personality, not afraid to fight when given the chance. He tries to act mysterious, and keep a calm and collected image, but it isn't hard to break this mask. He is chaotic, but knows when to retreat. He hates being bound, and so he doesn't bind people to himself just like that.

Backstory: Back when he was a human, Krait was an infamous criminal on the streets, killing, robbing and fighting anybody who crossed him. He became pretty wealthy and powerful in his city. He killed many, and one of his main methods to do so was to drown the people who crossed him in the ocean, where he earned his nickname from. However, as many crime bosses, his power caught up to him, and he was betrayed and murdered.
In hell, he found himself in the waters of hell, as a sea demon. It was a twist of fate, ironic. But he did not accept death as defeat. As a sinner, he quickly progressed, climbing the ladder of hell's hierarchy one by one. Eventually, he rose to the top, or almost... He confronted a powerful overlord of the seas, and challenged them to a duel, the rules simple: winner takes the loser's soul. Krait was confident in his abilities, but ultimately, he lost. He was forced to do the bidding of the overlord, and no matter how much his power grew, his soul was owned.
That was until one day, when a mysterious man appeared. It was the Radio Demon... Alastor. He came for the head of the overlord and ended him overnight, setting Krait free. The sea demon, after being liberated, has took the spot of his owner, but not for long. He realized just how horrible it was to be bound, and so he swore never to take ownership of one's life ever again. He left the seas, and decided to follow the footsteps of his liberator, Alastor, and became a freelancing overlord, bound by nothing... Yet.
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2 | 0 Comments | Feb 24th 2024 13:17

Faeldyr Valturn (Custom roleplay, OC)

Age: 26
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Rank: Prince/general

Personality: He is a man of focus and discipline. Often he is serious, but polite and elegant, his presense commanding respect to anybody near him. He does have a soft side for nature, however, but it is not often he lets that side of his show.

Backstory: Faeldyr, as prince of the Elven Queendom has been raised to be a leader, especially with their war against humans. At a young age, at just 20 years old he has proved himself on the battlefield, leading an army into victory against humans of the Southern Kingdom. Along the other elven generals, he has continued to advance further into the Kingdom. The elves won many of the battles and sieges of this war, eventually arriving to the capital, the heart of the Southern Kingdom. However the elves were notified about the Northen Kingdom's units patrolling the borders of the Elven Forests, and afraid of getting caught in the cross fire, the elves decided to accept the desperate peace offering of the Southern Kingdom's king, which came with the hand of his daughter, and so Fael was forced into marrige for his people
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5 | 0 Comments | Feb 23rd 2024 09:41