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14 Friends



23 / Male / Forever Alone
Portland, Oregon - United States
Hey there Stalker! Have I caught your eye yet? I've been rping for over a decade now, and have experience in every genre. I can write anywhere from para to multi para, though if my partner is adept enough, I can reach novella. (novella is not my normal writing amount, I can simply reach it if asked.) I particularly love stories with some form of action, or heavy drama to keep things interesting. Dark or twisted themes are a guilty pleasure, and I love putting my character Archer through as many crazy plots/scenarios as possible! Of course I love romance as well, kinda a sucker for a good romance subplot!

Other than that, if you're still reading, add me up! I'd love to rp or chat with you!

Oh! And read my rules here:

B*SM Test Results (for people in the know):

Start roleplaying with members like TheGuyNextDoor!



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