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SxrpentQueen's Blog

The Serpent’s Hound

Name:Draco Knight

Nickname:“Hound Dog”


Height:6’2 (Human) 7ft (Hound)!

Weight:157lbs (Human) 450lbs (Hound)

Hair Color:Black (Human) Black (Hound)

Eye Color: Blue (Human) Red (Hound)


Relationship Status:Single

Species: Hell Hound

Abilities:Immortality, Shapeshifter, Durability, Veonm Claws,Speed

Owners:Lucifer and Morgana

Loyalty: The Morningstar Family

Allies:Salazar Knight, Drax Knight (Brothers) Dreya Knight (Daughter)


Quotes: “I love being the eternal stud”

“Ugh would you stop whining you’re starting to sound like warwork”

“Antagonizing a hell hound? How stupid could you be”

“I’d be extra nice to me if I were you”

Backstory:Draco Knight was created by Lucifer in order to protect the gates of Hell, his job was to take out anything or anyone that tried to enter Hell’s gates unannounced. Draco is a highly skilled hound if not the most skilled of them all making him the top hell hound created by Morgana, but owned by Marianne Morningstar. Meeting him he comes off unbothered and rude when spoken to and he mostly stays in his hound form which is described to be very Wolf like but much larger and more corrupted his fur is black and his eyes are deep ruby red. In his human form Draco is decided as an attractive man with jet black hair and electric blue eyes that likes to have a good time he’s not the type for a relationship but he’d sleep with anything with a vagina. And will also kill anything that dares threatens or harms the Morningstar family, Antagonizing him wouldn’t be the best choice he’ll ignore you at first then he’d take your head off, and no he won’t feel bad. Eventually his whorish ways caught up to him, causing him to have a child with an unarmed mortal woman, a daughter by the name of Dresephonie.

Theme Song: Night Riders by Jay Lih

Face Claim: Ian Somerhalder
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10 | 0 Comments | Aug 3rd 2020 10:26

The Serpent Prince (DeAged)

Name: Lucius William Morningstar

Nick name: “The Serpent Prince” “The Golden Prince” “Will”


Age:Old as hell

Age Appearance: 17



Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color:Blue


Relationship Status: Single ❤️


Abilities: Immortality, Godly Strength, Speed, Teleportation, Hand to Hand Combat, Shape Shifting, Flying, Photographic Memory, Compulsion, durability, invisibility.

Verses:The Morningstar Family, Any

Quotes:”Calm down Princess it’s only a game”

“The inferno crown will crush you”

“I’m Lucius Morningstar call me Will”

“Challenging me is like bringing a sword to a gun fight “

“Golden Prince, Serpent Prince all in the same doesn’t matter what you call me as long as you know who I am and what I stand for”

Backstory: Lucius William Morningstar is the son of Lucifer and Morgana Morningstar he’s an only child and the prince of hell. When he was born it was the best moment of his parents lives especially his mother’s. Morgana did everything in her power to love and raise her baby the best she could with her husband. Lucius is a very bright kind boy although he has the tendency to be slightly cocky and he’s a bit of a hothead, he’s ruthless when angry destroying everything in sight. Aside from the young prince’s rage Lucius is a very well known kind and respectful person that has respect for everyone around him but doesn’t have any issue when it comes to putting people in their place. The Serpent Prince is in a relationship although his girlfriend tends to die on him forcing him to wait YEARS until she’s reincarnated. This all came about when a lower level demon decided to force himself of the Prince’s beautiful bride to be after Disguising Himself to be the prince. Once Lucius found out what happened he found the demon and slaughtered him after the mother caught wind of what happened she killed Eliza and put a curse on Lucius and his lover. “Together forever but forever apart” it’s called this would send Lucius into constant heartache for years to come until he finally marries her in the future. Despite everything in Lucius’s life the ones that know him would describe him as dependable, smart, very confident, charming even a bit mischievous if he’s tempted.

Theme Song:“Okay” by Chase Atlantic

Face Claim: Sam Corlett

Gif made by @a_little_reckless
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14 | 6 Comments | Jun 24th 2020 14:45

This Is WAR! (AU Short Story)

“OOOOFF!” a loud thud could be heard in main hall of the castle followed by the presents of a heavenly angel. A few minor demons rushed to the entrance and stopped in their tracks seeing that the heavenly angel was gone but they were now frozen by what they were seeing. “Summon Drax” one demon said to another causing him to do just that, Drax the Queen’s head demon wasted no time to rush to the entrance to see what all the commotion was all about. With a hard pit hitting the bottom of his stomach and a heavy heavy sigh the green eyed demon closed his eyes in sorrow before he spoke in a low voice. “Go get the Queen..” “But Drax, Sh.. she wouldn’t want to see this shouldn’t I get the King instead?” Another demon asked before he shot a death glare by Drax. “NO! I SAID GO GET THE QUEEN!” Drax shouted causing the other demons to begin scattering around like roaches looking for Morgana.

It didn’t take long for Maximus one of the minor demons to find the Queen who was in the middle of adding her last finishing touches to her makeup completing her look. A few rapid knocks came about the queen’s door causing her to groan in annoyance. “What! What do you want Maximus?” Morgana asked as she opened the door instantly seeing the feared and frightful look on his face. “My Queen come quickly please! The entrance hall.. There’s something that you need to see” The demon said in a shaky voice and Morgana fled the room quickly teleporting to the entrance hall were she seen the crowd of demons surrounding someone. When the demons noticed the Queens presents they all stepped back and away making room for Morgana who walked up to a horrific sight, something that NO MOTHER would wish to see. It was her son it was Lucius, beaten bloodied, his heart ripped out of his chest his horns and wings ripped out of him all in same he was.. he was almost unrecognizable but Morgana knew her son in any condition he was in. Although Lucius was strong it was clear that he was no match for an Arch Angel, the moment the Queens brown eyes laid on her dead son her heart shattered it felt like it was broken into dust, Morgana quickly fell to her knees and let out an ear piercing deaf worthy scream. Shattering every glass and window in Hell.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! NOOOO NOOO NOOO! NOT MY BABY NOT MY BABY NOT MY BABY!! NOT MY SON!!! NOOOOOO!! The Queen screamed, her eyes now a dark murderous gold as golden tears fell from her eyes, she clung onto her sons body holding him close letting out another piercing agonizing scream. Her heart, her baby her first born had been taken from her and Morgana was find out who did it and why, even if it cost her, her life. As the demons stood around watching the Queen grieve her son they didn’t speak and they didn’t dare touch her or try to move her, Morgana was sick and every bit of sanity or composure she had flew out of the broken window.

Still holding on to Lucius’s body refusing to let him go Morgana cried for hours not moving from the spot she was until Maximus finally came back and gently touched her shoulder. “My Queen? Would you like me to put him in the morgue?” “No! I want you to clean him up and put him in the garden” she sniffled, “On top of the healing flowers and let him be.. I’m going to kill every last single person involved in my sons death and then I’m going to bring him back “ the Queen said coldly as she kissed Lucius’s forehead and slowly got up and headed to the throne room. “DRAX!” Morgana shouted. “Gather the Maximus, Apollo, Sheen and Jack we’re having a meeting. Fifteen minutes had gone by and all the demons that Gana requested were in attendance. Still deeply saddened she looked out at the demons. “HOW! DID THIS HAPPEN?!” Morgana demanded. “WHERE YOU STATIONED AT WHERE I TOLD YOU TO BE?!” The queen shouted and one demon spoke up. “W...well Yes my Queen we tried”

“TRIED?!” Morgana snapper speeding over to the demon lifting him by the throat crushing his windpipe. “I DIDN’T TELL YOU TO TRY! I TOLD YOU TO DO AS I SAY!!” Gana’s eyes were still that deep golden that they’d been since she laid eyes on Lucius. “Why didn’t you do what I told you?! WHY!?!!” “It was Drax’a fault! Sheen said lowly.. Drax told us that you didn’t need us to protect the prince anymore”

“LIES!” Drax Protested. “My Queen you know me! You know that I’ll NEVER draw back on an order of yours unless you tell me to”. Morgana didn’t have time for games or jokes so without saying a word she quickly turned the demon she by the throat into ash. It was then that she turned and faced the other demons. “You ALL were there! YOU ALL KNEW WE WERE AT WAR!” She screamed as she knocked over a glass table. “You all had one job.. ONE JOB TO PROTECT MY SON! AND YOU CAN’T EVEN SEEM TO DO THAT?!” Who killed my son!” The Queen finally asked in a deadly calm voice. When she didn’t get an answer a bull whip appeared in her left hand and with one swing it slapped all the demons across the face. “I SAID WHO KILLED MY SON?!”

“MICHAEL!” Apollo cried out.. it was Michael my Queen he murdered the prince I’m so sorry I didn’t—“ that was all he had time to say before Morgana killed every demon in the room but Drax and Maximus. “So Michael is responsible for killing my baby?” She asked in a deadly calm voice tears still rolling down her eyes. He wants war, well now he’s got it!, go get Eliza,the girls Charlie and Behold bring them here and do NOT allow them in the garden, they don’t need to see him like that. She said in a scary calm tone as she stormed out of the throne room with a sick twisted look about her. “I will break break down the gates of heaven and bring that sparkly piece a sh*t to the ground!” Morgana snapped.

It was then that Drax and Maximus looked at one another fear obviously on their faces. Maximus looked at Drax and shook his head. “What could we do? What should we do?” Maximus asked as he looked at over at Drax. The head demon sighed one last time and spoke. “Don’t you see? The eldest Prince Lucius is dead! There’s nothing we can do Morgana isn't going to stop until everyone is dead”. Maximus shook his head and shook in fear, "You don't think the queen will kill everyone do you? or go up against heaven?" the minor demon asked folding his arms. Drax paused for a moment. "Maximus, her son was just murdered... I remember when the Prince was a baby, Lucius is her first born child and he has been killed! of course she's going to stop at nothing until everyone is dead!. Drax sighed as he thought for a second before turning back to the other demon. “Summon the King, tell him that the Prince is dead, tell him that the Queen has lost it and she’s declaring war and he needs to come back URGENTLY...The Queen is planning to bring heaven to the ground this is gonna be a blood bath.. this is War”

||Should I make a part two or Nah? Let me know in the comments! ;)
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9 | 9 Comments | Jun 17th 2020 18:29

To my Princess

"To the apple of my eye, the sweetest part of me my baby girl my daughter my Princess". I'm sorry that I had to take such drastic measures in order to save your life but honestly this wasn't the best time to bring you into the world. As we are in the middle of a war family members turning against us every chance they get but I will not let that stand in the way of your prescious arrival. You are my first and only baby girl and I promise with everything in me that I will do anything and everything in my power to protect you. As your mother I won't let a thing harm you because you're so sweet so innocent and so special, I hope the family you'll be raised by is half as a decent of people that they appear to be because you only deserve nothing but the best from life and you deserve nothing but the best of families. Baby girl, although I may not be there physically, I'll be there in spirit watching over you and making sure that you're treated but nothing but respect and if time should come where you want to seek out a new family I will happily bring you back here to stay with your true family. You are my Princess, my sweet sweet princess and I love you no matter what happens no matter what ugly winds life throws your way you'll never have to feel alone my child your father and I will always be there.. even when you can't see us. I am so proud of the beautiful woman you're going to be , so strong, fearless, wise and breath taking as you have the true light of a shinning star a Morningstar because that's who you are and despite what anyone says you are such a beautiful in depth person. I'll love you forever I'll like you for always as long as I live, my baby you'll be"

-Morgana to Mari
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4 | 3 Comments | Jun 17th 2020 16:18

My baby you'll be

"My dear child, my sweet sweet baby. The moment I found out I was pregnant with you was mind blowing and heart brusting but after giving birth to you it seemed more real. The day I got to look into your eyes and see the beauty of everything that is you, I knew that you're going to grow up to be one of a kind. I promise with everything in me that you will never know the sting of life's crule nature, you will never know what it's like to be beaten, abandoned, mistreated or used no one will ever hurt you or harm you in anyway, no one will ever get that close. As your mother I promise that my sweet baby will live a perfect life a happy life and a well managed life. Although you are the child of the King and Queen you are born into a family of royalty and that alone comes with enemies' but I can assure you that you'll never be alone. Dear baby I want you to remember that even when you feel that you have no one that your back's against the wall, no matter what you'll always have me I’ll love you forever, I'll like you for always as long as I'm living my baby you'll be. My sweet child you will grow to be a wise loving person that holds authority when you walk into a room. Having the respect of all of those you meet, even when the ugliest challenges of life come your way I will be there with the speed of lighting to remove all harmful things away from you child. You are my prodigy, my light of my life, the key to my heart and soul and NO ONE will dare not to harm anything I birthed because to me you're my baby my world and no one crushes the Queens world. I will not stand for such action and this is my life's duty to stand by this promise. No matter where you go in life , no matter if I have more babies in the future you'll never be alone my Prince. You'll always have me, My sweet Lucius I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always as long as I'm living my baby you'll be"

~Morgana to Lucius
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3 | 7 Comments | Jun 17th 2020 13:31