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(Lia Sharpe)
28 / Female / Single
Tucson, Arizona - United States
// Hello there! I am Lianna. Although, I prefer to go by Lia for the most part these days. I am 28 years old and have been roleplaying for about 14 years now. I take breaks now and then from roleplaying, depending on what's going on in my life, but right now I am back to roleplaying. I have several OC's, from several different anime, movie's, TV shows, video games, and so on. But there are some that I use on a more consistent basis than others. Or you could say that the ones that I use on a more consistent basis are the ones that I like the most. I will give brief overviews of the OC's I will be using on here.

Raven Thorsdòttir (age 18 to 22) - Marvel OC. Daughter of the Greek Goddess Artemis and Thor. She was adopted on Earth by Tony Stark when she was 12 and was raised by him since. She is highly intelligent and has an "Iron Man" suit of her own that she built with the help of Tony. She is an Avenger herself and goes by "Iron Girl". And you should know that I mainly ship her with Loki only.

Yuzuki Shimizu (age 18) - Bleach. She is a Soul Reaper, but also a human like Ichigo. She was discovered by Byakuya and Renji one night while she was out walking, and they noticed her very high Spiritual Pressure. She has her own Zanpakuto, and Bankai now, after some time of training. She is the second Lieutenant of Squad 6, right next to Renji.

Kimiko Uchiha (age ?. It depends on whether we are roleplaying Naruto, Naruto Shippuden or Boruto.). She is the daughter of Madara Uchiha, and already has the Mangekyo Sharingan. She lives on her own in Konoha and is best friends with Naruto and Sakura. Naruto is actually her like a brother to her. She is in team 7, and greatly looks up to Kakashi-Sensei. Also, Tsunade quickly became like a surrogate mother to her, since her own mother is not around.

Alexandria Kent (age 19). Alex, as she likes to be called, is the daughter of Clark Kent, and a woman he was seeing some years ago. Alex moved in with her grandmother, Clark's mother, when she was 13 years old, as she did not like living with her mother due to her mother's treatment of her. She has all the superpowers of her father. And her having her mother's DNA doesn't weaken her powers at all. She plans to move to Gotham as soon as she graduates college and get a job there as well.

Yuzuki Strife Fair (age 18 to 21, depending on where we start in the roleplay). Yuzuki was born to her mother, a scientist at ShinRa. She was a "failed" experiment, and therefore has one wing, like Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal. When she was 16, she was left to live on her own in Midgard by her mother, who did not want anything to do with her anymore. But she did fine on her own in the end and joined ShinRa Military Academy when she turned 18. She turned out to be a fantastic SOLDIER, and quickly went up the ranks. Soon, she was a 1st class SOLDIER, and became very good friends with Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal, and would train other new recruits under her.

Of course, I do have many more OC's.

There you are, if you want or need more info just ask me! ^u^

More info about me: I am a gamer girl, pet mom, eclectic witch, and writer. I enjoy: Reading, writing, playing video games, pet keeping, music, singing, making new friends, mythology, dinosaurs, true crime, paleontology, criminology, psychology, shopping sometimes, anime, manga, Japan, fantasy.

I might disappear from here for a couple of days or more, but I will come back. It's usually just that real life stuff gets in the way. So, I apologize in advance for that.

And I also wanted to mention that I am willing to roleplay with OC's and actual characters. I don't mind either. But keep in mind that I mainly and almost always only roleplay as my OC's. I don't typically like or feel comfortable roleplaying as an actual character (such as Tifa Lockhart for example) because I feel like I won't do that character justice.

Thank you for reading, especially if you made it this far! ^w^ //

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