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39 Friends



26 / Female / Single
United Kingdom
Welcome to my page! Please find a little bit of information on me below, as well as my blog containing my roleplay rules and character profile. If you could please read through these before sending me a friend request, just so you can get an idea if we would be compatible as roleplay partners and not waste anyone's time.

A little about me;

I like to believe myself to be a seasoned roleplayer, having over 12 years of experience. Whilst I have roleplayed many a genre, I've found my writing (and personal interest) to flourish best in fantasy-based worlds so would prefer to stay with this if possible - ideally something Elder Scrolls, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Dragon Age, (etc.) focused. That being said, despite specialising in fantasy, I do like to incorporate many other genres such as horror, action, suspense, romance, etc. into the storyline/plot in order to add a sense of realism and to keep the writing interesting!

I pride myself on being able to write with correct grammar, along with often quite lengthy responses (more than 1000 words per message) so I would like to receive this in return from my roleplay partner. I take great passion in my writing and try my absolute hardest to create a piece that is genuinely enjoyable to read. Again, I would like this same passion given in return otherwise I will sometimes feel like my time is being wasted.

During my down time I’m an avid bookworm! And, take inspiration from a lot of the series that I’ve read/reading. These can come in all shapes and forms and have helped my writing become what it is today. I’ve recently got into the habit of updating my status with my current reads that I think are worth the hype, and what I think others might enjoy too so please keep an eye out!

Like most people, I do have a life outside roleplaying so please bare with my replies - I will always aim to get back to you in a timely manner, but please take note that I work full time, have my own social life and am not plastered to my laptop 24/7, and with the length of my roleplay responses including the passion that goes into them I won't ever send something that I'm not happy with so therefore sometimes I take a bit of extra time. With that being said, if you know yourself to be impatient then we may not be suited as roleplay partners.

Other than that please feel free to message me and we can get a story going!

Start roleplaying with members like SilverVixen!



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Apr 7th 2023 10:27

How are you
Apr 4th 2023 06:38

Feb 7th 2023 12:03