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(Vincent Clarke)
28 / Male / Single
Michigan - United States
I prefer ‘Vince’, but hey I didn’t get to choose my name any more than anyone else, right? Lol

Anywho, welcome to my little nook of the internet, I’d ask you to wipe your feet but I’m not that pretentious. I have been roleplaying since the age of 14, technically, and over the years I’ve grown and developed my style accordingly with my age.

I put a great deal of effort into every character, every plot, and every idea I come up with. And while I can’t ask anyone to match me in that commitment, I understand some are far more casual about it than me, I can ask that, if you want to role play with me, you at least be open to accepting the following rules

1st and foremost: Discussion, discussion, discussion. I prefer to talk out a plot before I begin. We don’t need to sit here and go over the color of every characters eyes, but I would like at least a general skeleton of where we intend to go. That said, I extremely flexible to mid-story alterations. So long as we pause briefly to discuss them. Some of my favorite plots have taken massive detours from the original plan after all.

2nd: Please be aware I include romance in all my plots. I don’t require 18+ material, though again that’s my default setting, and if it makes you uncomfortable by all means let’s just ‘fade to black’, but you need to tell me that. Otherwise we’ll be in for a very awkward pause. And as an aside, if your profile reads under 18, that material is off the table entirely. I’m aware people can falsify their ages on here, but I must have some standard to show I am not in favor of that.

3rd and most important: No one-liners. This should go without saying. I don’t need you to pen me a lord of the rings novel for every single reply, though you certainly wouldn’t catch me complaining if you did, but at least two well-written paragraphs is my minimum. I need details to work with, I need some meat on the bone if you will. I refuse to do all the hard lifting on carrying a plot forward. I don’t mean to sound so cold in that, as I said I do understand some are more lax in their rules, but as I also said, these are simply my own set based from my experiences.

If you’ve read this and agree, kindly tell me your favorite comfort meal in your first reply. Just a little litmus test to see who reads these.

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