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RWBYFanGuy's Blog

Ruben and the White Fang

Tales of a wolf faunus in the White Fang

Ruben, on a mission for the White Fang is sent to break in and destroy a Schnee mining facility. Unaware that Adam sent Blake to monitor and assist the mission. Ruben would get passed the facilities system firewall fairly easily and would make his way to engineering and begin planting C4. "You can come out now Blake.." he would say planting one of the charges and she would emerge from the shadows. "It took you longer than I thought Ruben." She would say calmly. "I like to take my time and enjoy the sites...Unlike most people." He would say in response grinning slightly causing Blake to roll her eyes. Blake joins him in the center of the room and just then Mechs would enter and surround the pair. "You'd think they would learn by now." Blake would say glancing at Ruben. " Well, they do have a lot of money." He says in response. The mechs come at the duo full force. "They are learning as well." Ruben adds. Ruben and Blake make a move and slash right through a good amount of the mechs. Ruben leg sweeps one and claws pop out like an assassin's creed blade from glove like gauntlets and Ruben dispatches it quickly. "Don't show off." Blake jokes. "Don't be so dramatic." He says grinning. "That's my line Blake responds as a mech fires a rifle at Blake to which Ruben intercepts and kills and Blake takes off and makes her way toward an exit. Soon she is joined by Ruben. Once outside and airship arrives on scene. "Now that is being dramatic." Blake says looking at Ruben. "We are trying to blow up this facility. We need to get out of here." Ruben tells Blake as the mine blows knocking the airship of course just then the pair make a run for it.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 2nd 2024 23:34

Leia Limearc

Hometown: Mistral(Lower Class)
Weapon: The Armament
Age: 18
Semblance: Preflexes
Aura: Armor

She is from the lower class of Mistral and being from the lower class is involved in black market dealings such as the illegal trade of Weapons and Dust her Semblance is Preflexes. Her weapon is called The Armament, a collapsible Agram 2000 SMG held on a gauntlet like base on her arm. Aura is armor-based

*Leia hails from the Lower Class of Mistral, an unruly portion of a beautiful city, where crime is at it's peak. Leia, who runs weapons and Dust for Black Market trade often has dealings with Roman Torchwick, Cider Fall, along with Emerald and Mercury. She is a young athletic girl, with the looks to boot. A get in and get the job done kind of girl never staying in one spot for too long.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 2nd 2024 14:29

RWBY Fandom Team: Team RREK(Ridgeback)

Rosemary, Ruben, Emma, and Kobi make up a new team called Ridgeback. Rosemary is 18 her hometown is Vale and her weapon is called The Divine Rose, a keyblade style weapon capable of firing Light Dust. Rosemary came from a fairly Rich family as they lived in Vale and she aced most of her studies in school which caught the attention of Beacon Academy and was sent to the school. Proud of this achievement she now strives to become the best huntress possible. So when the Fall of Beacon came she was at the front lines and saw first hand the destructive power of the grim and vow to put an end to this Dark threat. Emma is age 17, a Fox Faunus from Menagerie her weapon is called Whiplash a sword that extends into a whip like weapon and her semblance is Chameleon. Emma had a fairly decent life living in Menagerie. She mostly got what she wanted as her mom and dad never said no. Emma was a young mischievous girl using chameleon to cause mischief. It had gotten to the point that the guards of Menagerie would send her to Beacon Academy in an attempt to give her guidance and direction in her life, there she would meet three others and become part of a team. Ruben is a Wolf Faunus age 17 from Menagerie his weapons are the Claws of Death, gloves similar to Black Panther with claws that pop out from the fingertips. Fiber optic style 'strings' in the gloves send dust into the claws, much like poison tip arrows for varied effects and his semblance is called Speed Demon. Being a melee type fighter his semblance is used for Speed activating in times of duress much like how adrenaline activates when the body is in danger. The son of a blacksmith. His mother traveled the world of Remnant in search of knowledge. Ruben wanted more. He wanted action, he wanted thrill so at the age of 6 he joined the White Fang and set out with a pair of claws his father made. Ruben always had dreams of one day being a Great huntsman but continued his journeys with the White fang. Kobi age 17 hometown Tarragon Village his weapon is called Warmonger a battle ax sawed off shotgun combo his semblance is called Earth Force. Earth Force enables him to manipulate the Earth around him. Activating his Aura enables him to even hurdle boulders several tons and weight. Ever since he was little Kobi wanted to be a huntsman and at the age of 6 a pack of beowolves invaded his little home in Tarragon Village killing his sister and parents. During the attack Young Kobi out of desperation unlocks his semblance he calls Earth Force. Kobi lived in the house for the next year discovering weapons schematics for 'Warmonger' a battle ax combined with a sawed off shotgun his father had planned to build. 9 years would then pass and he learned how to use the weapon and leave his tiny Village and journey Remnant to become the greatest huntsman he could possibly be .... And of course killing Beowolves is an added bonus.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 25th 2024 13:54