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(Lacey Spencer)
30 / Female / Single
South Carolina , North Carolina - United States
Hi I’m Lacey Spencer

Name: Lacey


Info: Lacey is from north and South Carolina her father was business man , mother is housewife and sister of 3 brothers at young enjoy video games spending time with brothers practise shooting at 12 years joining military with stunning keep body fit intense training at army finally gathering strength enters combat USA , Afghanistan assisting war in Asia seeing friend’s comrades die at enemy psd, one day during combat a bomb shrapnel hit her legs deep skin embedded at the hospital operation on legs working on recovery doing workout by doctors regaining strength gave honourable discharge act of bravery coming back home working out get fit practise shooting at bay sits down to relax heading to city looking for jobs manage to get job at the office since then life been normal.

Personality: shy , mysterious, sweet , tough

Hobbies: working out at the gym , practise shooting , sunbathing , driving , kickboxing

Sexuality: bi- sexual leans more towards men or women mostly women , LGBT friendly


18 + light mature theme mw2 and Star Wars , solider bodyguard and civil romance sfw

Mxf , fxf , fxnb, mxt

If you want to rp let’s discuss rp in DMs

Rp example:

- gets an assignment to protect civilians gets technical gun puts suit on takes orders -

Start roleplaying with members like Protection!



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RolePlay asked the question
Q. Did you know you can change your profile background and colors by going here?
A. Thinking about it
 Dec 7th 2023 15:45

Latest Comments

So your the soldier I've heard I'll be working with
Dec 8th 2023 03:10