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28 / Male / Single
Iowa - United States
Hey there. I used to not really have anything here, but I realized that was a poor decision on my part. I don't know if I've gotten stricter, or if I have a better idea of what I want, but either way, I've got some guidelines.

1. I'm here to roleplay. I know. Strange, isn't it? While I don't mind chatting and getting to know the people I write with, I am here to do just that: write. This place is my escape from reality, so I come here to lose myself in a story for a while.

2. That being said, I'm here for the long run. I like to write stories that have substance, plots, sub-plots, layers. I put in a lot of thought and effort into my writing, and I hope that you do that same. Help me develop an intricate story. If you put in work, so will I. Throw out suggestions and ideas. If you want to do something? Talk to me, but don't just force something to happen. I can't read your mind, and if I don't know what you're going for, I might unintentionally make things difficult.

3. Sometimes, I don't respond right away, and that's okay. I mostly likely haven't forgotten about you. I do have a small life, and it requires me to do things like work and eat and shower. Sometimes, I might take a while to respond. Sometimes, I might not be on for a few days. Just give me some time. If it's been more than a week? I might have forgotten, or perhaps your response got lost. Feel free to remind me, but please do not pester me.

4. I like details, so please give them to me. The more you write, the more I will write. I do have a minimum though. Please write at least a paragraph (that means give me 8-12 sentences, folks). I can work with that. Any less, and I may lose interest.

5. I really only write male-male stories these days. That doesn't mean that have to be romantic. I do enjoy romance tied into a much larger story, but I am perfectly capable of writing a male-male platonic RP.

6. When it comes to characters and stories, I like to design things specifically for my RP partners. That being said, I do have a few characters in my blogs. Note that they aren't perfect, and some of them are quite old and may not reflect my current writing style. I'm human, and I try to grow and develop better skills. Of course, if you have a story in mind, or specific elements of a character you want in a story, let me know. I am flexible, and I can do my best to figure something out.

7. I've written in many genres. Fantasy, Adventure, Science Fiction, Romance, Real Life, Historical Fiction, etc. I've done crossovers. I've written as pre-determined characters. Stories based on books. Stories based on movies. I like to think that I'm adaptable. Talk to me, and we can work together.

Moral of the story? Talk to me. Communicate. Design a story with me, and hopefully, we can create something together.

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Hey there i hope you are doing okay. I got a bit worried...
Mar 10th 2022 15:07