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25 / Female / Single
Ionia - United States

Bio: Ionia has always been a land of wild magic, its vibrant people and powerful spirits seeking to live in harmony… but sometimes this peaceful equilibrium does not come easily. Sometimes it needs to be kept in check. The Kinkou are the self-appointed keepers of Ionia’s sacred balance. The order’s loyal acolytes walk the spirit and material realms, mediating conflicts between them and, when necessary, intervening by force. Born among their ranks was Akali, daughter of Mayym Jhomen Tethi, the renowned Fist of Shadow. Mayym and her partner Tahno raised their daughter within the Kinkou Order under the watchful leadership of Great Master Kusho, the Eye of Twilight. Whenever her parents were called away, other members of the order stepped in as Akali’s surrogate family. Kennen, the Heart of the Tempest, spent many hours with the young girl, teaching her shuriken techniques, and emphasizing speed and agility over strength. Akali was a precocious child, and soaked up the knowledge like a sponge. It became clear to all that she would follow her parents’ path—along with the Great Master’s son and appointed successor Shen, she would lead a new generation dedicated to preserving Ionia’s balance. But balance can be fleeting. The order found itself divided.

| Sooo..rules |
Let's make this quick, I'm not one for 'em but here's a few

Please be respectful ooc; as I will gladly do the same

If you add me, send a greeter, If I add you I'll greet you first. Greeters for me can be sent through comments or messages

I don't really intend on being banter focused unless it's centered around planning for rp

if ooc; banter is merely what you want, keep it comments only and light as possible please

The exception of some light IC; interaction in the comments is okay

I won't reply to long random starters in messages, I prefer discussion for long rp plotting before hand

Crossovers are encouraged, don't be afraid if you want to brainstorm some stuff alongside our verses

I tend to enjoy multi para and above though I can do just para if that's what suitable for your writing preference. I will not do one liners as they turn bland to me rather quickly

Fair warning, don't force any sort of N*FW / romance on me without any proper story to back it up, I refuse to just jump right into it
If curious, my Akali swings both ways

There's no rush for rp replies, as much as enjoy story, I ask that we both respect that we have our lives outside of rp, however giving a friendly bump every now and then is ideal if something we have going and like to get back to

No gmodding please

I can also play K/DA version of Akali if you like, I'll point that out, choice is yours as it's optional. If not, I revert to regular Akali

Questions? are alright I guess

I do have discord, I am rather selective, by that I mean only if we have a good rp going and want to switch it to there

If you made it to the end congrats, these rules can / may update slightly every now and then so check back anytime you feel like it. Thanks for reading it if you did. I appreciate it.

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