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(Ulic Qel-Droma)
27 / Male / Single
A Galaxy Far, Far Away, Australia
Ulic Qel-Droma was a Jedi Knight in service to the Old Republic native to the planet Alderaan, trained under Jedi Master Arca Jeth along with his younger brother Cay Qel-Droma.

Millenia before the Battle of Yavin, Ulic, his brother and another Jedi, Nomi Sunrider, fought against a coven/cult of Sith Sorcerers called "Krath", whom Ulic infiltrated, initially pretending to be a fallen Jedi. However, Ulic would, unfortunately, fall the to Dark Side after being tortured with Sith poison by the cult's leader Satal Keto, whom he would later kill when Nomi and Cay came to rescue him. However, the new Dark Jedi lashed out at his friends and refused their rescue attempt, having fallen in love with Satal's cousin Aleema, a powerful Sith Sorceress.

Much later, Ulic would return to the Light Side during an assault on the Jedi fortress-world of Ossus, where he slew his brother Cay in a vicious lightsaber duel. Utterly defeated and mortified by his own actions, Ulic renounced his allegiance to the Sith, exiling himself to Rhen Var, where he hoped to live out the rest of his life in solitude.

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