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27 Friends



18 / Female / Single
Oregon - United States
Hiya! I'm Bella :)

I'm mostly interested in romantic roleplays but I'm also a big fan of action, medieval fantasy, drama and that sorta stuff. If you want an easy way to introduce yourself once I've added you, check out my characters on my blog and tell me which one is your favorite! I've only got a few so far but there's a lot more to come! Lastly, I’m busy most days because of work and school, but I’ll do my best to reply when I can <3

Read the FAQ on my blog if you want more info about me - xoxo

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Heya! It’s been a minute. I’m kinda back but replies will still be a lil slow but if you wanna continue or start over, just lmk!

Also all of my blog pics are broken, gimme a sec to fix them <3
2  May 9th 2024 13:54

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