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44 Friends



23 / Female / Single
United States
I hate this website sooo much you're lucky if I even login

Lesbian rp oc account I will not rp with minors. Or men, duh I am a lesbian. Men who add and send anything will be ignored then blocked. You must be a female to roleplay.That's your warning men. Please follow the steps below and you can just easily send me a starter when you add me! I do not like to label myself as a dom or sub so don't expect a definite answer for that. Iam all okay with 18+ roleplays but don't jump into it right away that's pervy.

In my experience, it takes forever to start a rp here! I aim to change that!

If you wish to rp Step one: Go to my blog
Step two: pick a character. Characters have basic starters or you make one.
Step three: Tell me very briefly about your female only character and give an image
Step four: start the rp, in 3rd person
You may also give me a custom starter, and you can also send me an anime image (no irl people gifs and actual porn please)

No Fxta characters allowed. If you added me or I added you and you are a f*ta, either make your character a biological female, or unfriend me. Because technically fxta is against the site rules. Same goes for furry only people. I will roleplay with you even if you are a furry but you must roleplay as a humanoid

Fxf only. Mature or clean idc. Choose what you are comfortable with, have fun, meaning it would be awkward if you made yourself uncomfortable. Though if do a mature rp no gross or taboo kinks Taboo includes incest and loli, noncon, cuckolding, none of that please. or anything involving animals furries vore or primal. You can't play as something weird like a furry or a shrunk/giant character.

Start roleplaying with members like Idontevenfingknow!



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