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25 / Male / Single
near a big little city, Nevada - United States
My name is Alex, but you can call me Speedbump. By official profession, I am an information management and processing specialist at a large corporate headquarters. By personal obsession, I roam in search of new and extreme pressures to crush my body under.

I build my body for the sole purpose of enduring the intense weight that would mutilate a normal person. My pleasure is the pain of having my body pushed to its limit and beyond, and the only thing that truly brings me the bliss of torment is being smashed under the wheels of a large truck. While I can have large multi-ton trucks (such as the 34,000 lb box van in my profile picture) drive over me with no ill effect to my body as I get back up and continue my day, I enjoy the torture of being brought to my mortal limit by even larger trucks or continuous multitudes of trucks, and I grow restless if I go for more than a week without being run over. Yet, although I relish being mauled by these massive machines, I tread the line between agony and injury with discretion - though I am building my body to be crushed, I am still "building," not "destroying."

That said, things don't always go according to plan, and while most scenarios involve me giving a stunning and successful performance, another scenario I commonly do is one in which a multitude of things go wrong. For full information on my standard scenarios and manner of RP, view my blog post "Intro + Scenarios."

As far as other trampling goes, I don't care much for the small stuff anymore. While I used to be able to get my smash fix more traditionally years ago, no human feet can provide the tons of pressure on individual muscle groups to work me into a hedonistic frenzy like truck tires can. These days, my foreplay is pick-up trucks and SUVs, and my climax is the rigs. However, I will admit I've got a bit of a soft spot for football or rugby cleats.

If you want to RP or simply know more, just ask.

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