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Flora's Blog

Viviane Moon (Vi)

Age: 23
Birthday: October 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5’3”
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Always dyed some color
Race: Human
Style: Indie/Downtown girl
Personality: Kind, witty, artistic, adorable, and playful.
Occupation: Painter
Family: Mom(Amanda) Sister (Hailey)
Friends: Ace (Childhood bestie)
Background: Viviane never knew who her father was, for all she knows it’s always been her mom and her sister. Because of this, she’s never lived a rich life. Which is a blessing in disguise because it gave her a chance to explore the world and it’s beauty. Since she was able to experience life like this, she is now able to create anything and everything she wants in art form.
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0 | 1 Comment | Apr 27th 2024 18:59


1. If I message first it’s most likely going to be awkward as hell. I’m just not used to messaging people first so bare with me.

2. I said this before but the age range for me accepting people is about 20-27. If I find out you’re younger or older I will unadd you.

3. I write in semi para.. otherwise I’ll struggle to keep up with the messages.

4. I can play multiple characters. I feel like it really adds to the story.

5. I have a job and I live with my best friend so I can get pretty busy. So I won’t be on all of the time due to this.

6. It kind of goes with number five but I struggle to respond sometimes so please understand that I was either burnt out or I was struggling with my mental health. I’ll try and keep you updated as well as I can on this issue.

7. I am not into g*re, I won’t do p*do sh*t, I won’t be your step mom or step sister (or mom in general.. yeah I’ve been asked that), I won’t do f*rry stuff, and I might do NSFW but that will not be the focus

8. I just want to add this point on here too, please let me know any concerns with the rp(even if it’s just you’re not vibing with it). I’m a pretty understanding person, so I’ll try my best to help you.

9. I write in semi para and I always write in third person.

Ex 1) Rosalie picks up her guitar and began to tune it. Melting as the guitar hums with each strum. She could do this all day if she could. She would do it for a eternity if she could. There is nothing like the sound of a guitar and she’ll die on that hill for all she cares.

Ex 2) Ivelle looks at the customer who walked in with barely enough coins to purchase her flower “Oh, that’s okay. Take it as a get well to your bed ridden wife,”. She says sweetly as she hands the said flower to the customer. Wanting to make the day easier for the now tearful man.

10. All of my characters will have a bit of wit/playfulness to them. If you don’t like when people are like that then my rp’s aren’t for you.

Ex) Ace: “Vi.. I think my dog likes you more than me,”
Viviane: “Well.. I mean.. I can’t really help with that sorry bud,”
Ace: “Jesus Vi, what a way to shoot a guy in the heart,”
Viviane: “What? I’m just saying I won’t be able to help with that is all..”

Ex 2) Jade: “Look bud.. you’re just not the brightest in the bunch is all I’m saying,”
Carter: “Ouch, my heart I can’t take it,”
Jade: “And now you’re just dramatic..”
Carter: “Jade… is there ever a moment you don’t bite back?”
Jade: “Absolutely not,”
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 22nd 2024 20:39


1. I prefer not to do NSFW, but if the story allows it I’ll do a little. Just.. I’m not very comfortable with some of it and it’ll be hella awkward if it’s jumped right into.

2.I will be accepting people’s request from ages 20-27.

3. Be kind, I understand that the world is well.. not perfect but since it’s not perfect why don’t we all try and get along yeah?

4. Have fun, I know that’s why you’re here so let’s make it worth it

5. I get busy a good bit during the day or I simply get distracted. So, bare in mind that I probably will miss out on conversations. Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes I’ll be convinced I responded and didn’t so keep this in mind too.

6. If I say no, that’s that.I know that’s obvious, but you know how the internet is.

8. I won’t play as a married person who will have a forbidden relationship with someone else. I’m sorry, but I’m not into cheating and that’s exactly what this is. So please don’t ask me to do this. And don’t ask my characters to cheat in general . I know it’s just rolpeplaying but I’m not comfortable even cheating on a fictional character.. it’s just not who I am as a person.

9. My characters won’t be much older than my actual age. I’m just not good at playing older than I am, it’s too awkward.

10. Please have communication. If you feel like you’re just not into the rp or it’s not what you thought, just talk to me. I promise you I won’t bite. I’m usually understanding.

11. When it comes to responding, I’ll understand you because I also struggle with it. But please also let me know if you’re unable to answer and I’ll do the same for you.
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5 | 0 Comments | Apr 22nd 2024 20:33