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31 / Male / Single
United States
You do not have to match my length.

I can get him to any verse, so don’t worry there. :) The episode centered on him.

I RP in 1st person, but you can use whatever perspectives you like.

Evil Jim is an evil copy of Earthworm Jim. He was created by a horrible toxic waste/photocopier accident, and claims to be Jim's exact opposite in every way. This is most obvious in their speech patterns: while Jim likes to use big fancy words and monologue when he addresses someone, Evil Jim keeps everything brief and to the point. Where Jim would say "Egads, danger is afoot!" Evil Jim would say "Something bad will happen." However, when Jim points out that he hates losing, and his twin should therefore enjoy it, Evil Jim responds, "Don't be so literal-minded."

Evil Jim looks exactly like Earthworm Jim except for a green coloration, slightly pointier digits, and neglected teeth. Evil Jim states he enjoys the taste of orange juice after brushing his teeth (which Earthworm Jim hates).

He is apparently motivated by a desire for destruction, though on several occasions he has expressed loneliness as well. He nearly succeeded in winning the heart of Princess What's-Her-Name by reading poetry to her, but was interrupted at the last minute by Jim. Evil Jim actually once succeeded in creating opposites of Peter Puppy and the Princess. He also accidentally created copies of Queen Slug-for-a-Butt, Evil the Cat, and Professor Monkey-For-A-Head when he dropped the copy gun. However, the results were not what he had expected - Evil Peter transforms into a good monster, and Evil Princess is vain and weak, the Queen's opposite is motherly, Good the Cat is nice and chases Evil in an attempt to kiss him, and Monkey Professor-For-A-Head is pretty much what would happen if the Professor and the Monkey swapped brains and they become friends out of mutual concerns - and he ended up imprisoned once more. Evil Jim, like his counterpart, is voiced by Dan Castellaneta (in a style similar to Krusty the Clown, Megavolt and e.t.c., also a villain).

Evil Jim is an almost perfect opposite of Jim. He is insanely evil and crazy, while Jim is insanely good and well-spirited. But when Jim thought his evil twin would enjoy losing, as he himself hates to lose, the clone simply replies with "Don't be so literal-minded." While good Jim is melodramatic, uncouth, lively, prone to bouts of stupidity, rambles on, is unhinged on the outside, but calm, intelligent, and caring on the inside, evil Jim is blunt, to-the-point, composed, refined, polite, calculating, smug, suave, calm, collected, classy, and pragmatic. Deep down, evil Jim is demented, and apart from total global dominance, he pretty much enjoys spreading needles chaos and destruction. Evil Jim speaks in a drizzly, nasally voice which is strikingly similar to that of Krusty the clown, yet his speaking pattern is eloquent. While good Jim HATES the taste of orange juice if he drinks it right after brushing his teeth with toothpaste, evil Jim LOVES it. While good Jim respects the law to the point he'd imprison himself to protect it, evil Jim loves carnage. He has little to do in his spare time apart from making his good counterpart's life as unpleassent as he possibly can.

Evil Jim was created for the Earthworm Jim animated series and does not appear in the first two games; however, Evil Jim was the primary antagonist in the later Earthworm Jim: Menace 2 the Galaxy game for the Game Boy Color.

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Oh I’m sorry about that love hope ur doing well
Oct 16th 2023 02:53