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(Emily Jackson)
20 / Female / Single
Colorado - United States
Hiya everyone! Name's Emily, but you can just call me Emi.

I'm excited to meet new people and get some roleplays going! I'm still getting the hang of this site so if you could please be patient while I finish setting everything up, that would be great. I'll post a list of verses and characters I tend to play in a blog along with many other OCs for different scenarios. If you don't see something then feel free to ask. I can be a bit scatterbrained at times and forget shows or plots that I've watched/know and sometimes just need a reminder. Welp, that is all for now. See you all soon!

Start roleplaying with members like EmiBear!



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No… I wouldn’t… and you didn’t either…
1  May 15th 2024 23:43

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