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Diverism's Blog

Dominic Peftasteri

Name: Dominic Peftasteri
Age: 21
Height: 6'3
Weight: 171 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Skills: Rune reading, Nigh-Omnilangual, Expert hand to hand combatant, Black and White Magic crafting, Alchemy
Likes: Animals especially birds, Classical/Jazz/Neo-Classical music, Courageous personalities, Owls, Many aspects of Human Art, History and Entertainment, Meat and Ramen based dishes
Dislikes: Vengeful Gods and Spirits, Bigots, Supremacy, Succubi, The Self Righteous, Carelessness, Death Metal, Hip Hop, Seafood (except for Sushi for some reason which may be his favorite food)
Abilities: Nephilim Physiology: Transformation, Healing, Flight, Black and White Magic projection and channeling, Alchemy, Aural Generation, Love Empowerment, Music Empowerment
Limitations: Dominic may be able to heal others but if their power is greater than his, he may not be able to heal/revive them completely. Using the power to heal can severely strain his mana and ki and uses a moderate amount of both while he is in his human form. To recover this power, he will require a moderate amount of rest and sometimes a massive amount of nourishment. It can take sometimes weeks to restore his power to its former glory once he is in stasis from strain .Black and White magic that he channels and projects albeit spells, curses, jinx, hexes or any arcane knowledge must be learned and mastered before he can utilize them just like the augmenting auras he can project upon himself or others. Those he has a deep affection for can find themselves empowered and taking on traits of Supernatural athleticism but this is due to their contact with his Nephilim aura; These beings do not draw power from Dominic and this ability does not strain him. Music may have an affect on his abilities; listening or remembering various melodies or musical scores can empower certain Black magicks while other compositions may empower his White magicks.Transformation may allow him to invigorate and quantize his essence but also entering stasis due to strain in these state can cause him to enter a deep dormancy that may often take weeks to dispel, when he wakes he will require food from a human diet and essential vitamins and minerals to replenish his ki and some of his abilities may not work at all until he is nearing recovery.The appearance of his wings is considered his first transformative state, the holy aura or halo appearing is the second state, the appearance of his arcane arc or fractal aura is considered his third transformative state and the appearance of his horns along with his arcane arc his his final transformative state. In the final state his abilities may reach new heights and redefine parameters of his skills completely giving something such as a mere fire spell the ability to feed from an aura and cause rapid disintegration unto a target or something such as a healing spell the ability to completely resurrect a being from the dead.

Dominic was raised in the Astral Planes by Reapers and the Death God Thanatos to be Thanatos left hand. Seeing visions of a future and discovering human emotion through the Crystal Spire reapers use to observe life on Earth as well as make prophecy, he rebelled; Temporarily incapacitating Thanatos and appearing on Earth in search of his pair.He knows very little of human tradition and civilization and although he is half demon, the Nephilim is a bit of a kind hearted Stoic. His name translates to Lord Fallenstar due to the prophecy made at his birth of him descending upon the Earth. He was abandoned by his mother and father at birth due to them being an Angel and Demon of rival clans and has never met his true parents.

Open to crossovers!! OC for Modern Fantasy/Slice of Life roleplays!! Open to shipping!!
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 1st 2023 03:17

Aster Kyuss

Name: Aster Lee Kyuss

Title/Nicknames: Kyuss, Lee, Dude.

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170 lbs

Race: Human

Classification: Metahuman

Usual Habitat: Earth (Mostly innercity or wherever there is trouble)

Physical description: The male is tall and lithe, standing at 6 foot tall and weighing at 180 lbs with no visible body fat.He has long silklike and shimmering blonde hair that cascade down the middle of his back and bears light cerulean colored eyes colored skin.His eyes have been known to radiate various colors while he is drawing upon various quintessences and emotion.His body bears a rather advanced muscle structure and bears no visible scars.He has no freckles or blemishes at his face and no facial hair.He bears wide saddling hips and long slender legs, broad shoulders and due to his muscular structure he is between ectomorphic and mesomorphic in body type.

Weapons: His fists and feet,Later Psychic Constructs and projections,Power adaptations.

Armor: He doesnt own any armor due to his adaptive traits and ability to regenerate.

Items: He usually carries some sort of device on him that is capable of playing mp3s or wavs to keep him in a state of post-zen where he is able to reflect on various memories and use this to draw certain aspects of his essokinesis to the surface.

(Race traits): Metahuman/Psychic Brawler/Reckless/Relentless

(Powers and Abilities): Essokinesis, Reactive Adaptation, Regeneration, Supernatural Detection/Telepathy, Musical Empathy,Bond Empowerment.

Essokinetics (Reality Warping)
Can be outdone by users of Alpha Reality and Omega Reality.
Users of Reality Anchoring and Reality Separation are immune.
Limited by how much raw power the user actually possesses.
Overpowered by Omnipotence, Omnilock, Omni-Negation and other Omnipotent Powers.
Users of Reality Restoration can simply undo everything.
Reality Warping and Paradox Manipulation tend to cancel each other out.
Basic knowledge of things, creativity, and desire for things to happen are needed for the user to warp reality effectively.
Cannot fool users of Reality Perception.
Power can be negated by users of Reality Alteration Negation.
May need to be within a reality to be able to bend it.
If user is placed in a realm with its reality is destroyed, they may be powerless.
Unless they have Reality Awareness or Reality Perception, user may be vulnerable to Illusion Manipulation.
May need to perform certain actions to use the power (rhyming, writing, etc.).
May be hard to control.

Reactive Adaptation
Adaptations may only be temporary.
Users may or may not be able to control adaptations.
New adaptations may grow naturally or be produced as a monstrosity.
Usually dependent upon a direct threat to the person, resulting in responsive action.
Learning some adaptations may negate other adaptations (e.g. learning to breathe water may prevent breathing air).
Some adaptations may be in conjunction with weaknesses.
Some threats are impossible to adapt to.
Some reactions may have a delayed response.
Certain hidden threats may not be reacted to.

Supernatural Regeneration
Damage inflicted by Irreversible Destruction cannot be regenerated.
Function of power:
Healing Erasure
Healing Factor Nullification
Regeneration can be lost if it depends on external source/object.
Removal of power may undo previous regeneration.
Misaligned body parts, foreign objects in wound, or mitosis-inhibiting drugs may affect regeneration.
Instant death may kill the user before they regenerate.
Death Inducement, Destabilization, Destruction, Disintegration, Incineration, One Hit Kill, etc.
Damage may exceed the rate or extent of regeneration.
Damage to the brain/head:
Decapitation/destroying the head can kill low-level users. High-level users can re-attach their head or regenerate a new head/body. Head Liberation users are unaffected.
If regeneration needs brain signals, damage may hinder the process.
May lose skills, senses, memories, or other powers. Loss may be permanent.
Healing may not include Pain Suppression.
May also involve inflammation.
If power is biological:
Biological Manipulation.
Excessive cell division may damage mitochondria and/or telomeres, causing premature aging and associated health problems. Mitochondria/Telomere Regeneration solves this problem.
Healing too fast may cause DNA replication errors, resulting in mutations, cancer, or the gain/loss/alteration of powers (including this power).
May still be vulnerable to disease.
May overload immune response, causing allergy/auto-immunity.
Power may replace immune system. User never develops natural immunity, and is vulnerable if de-powered.
Self-Sustenance/Energy Independence bypasses this limitation.
May still require food, water, air, etc.
Regeneration may increase nutrition requirements.
Starvation, dehydration, and suffocation may kill user.

(Non supernatural skills): Boxing (Traditional), Baguazhang, Tai Qi Qong, Cooking, Musical performance and composition, Drawing, Painting, Engineering and Mechanical repair.
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 1st 2023 03:13

David Haller (Marvel)

David Haller

He is the mutant son of Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller. Legion takes the role of an antihero who has a severe mental illness including a form of dissociative identity disorder.While working in an Israeli psychiatric facility, Charles Xavier met a patient named Gabrielle Haller. The two had an affair that, after an amicable end and unbeknownst to Xavier, ultimately resulted in the birth of their son David (Gabrielle had not told Xavier she was pregnant).David, at a young age, was living with his mother and stepfather in Paris when his home was attacked by terrorists and his stepfather killed. The trauma of the situation caused an initial manifestation of David's mutant powers, as David incinerated the minds of the terrorists. Being linked to so many others at their time of death, David was rendered catatonic for years. As he slowly recovered, he was moved to the care of Moira MacTaggert at the Muir Island mutant research facility. The trauma (possibly in conjunction with the nature of his reality-altering powers) had caused David's psyche to splinter into multiple personalities, each personality manifesting different mutant abilities.

MARVEL FANDOM ROLEPLAY|| OPEN TO CROSSOVERS|| The version of David I will be playing will be loosely based on Legion Quest and moreso based on the FX show Legion as far as appearances and personality type|| Open to shipping||
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 1st 2023 03:11


Name: Ihsahnn Ishmael Iris
Age: 317 years old
Height: 6'2
Weight: 174 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Black
Skills: Painter, Sculptor, Chef, Chemist, Poet, Multi-Instrumentalist, Tailor,Swordsmanship, Marksman
Likes: Birds, Snakes, Wine and Mead, Eastern Philosophy, Spellcrafting, Alchemic Study,Humanity, Music, Art
Dislikes: Bigotry, Superiority complexes, Christ Complexes, Willful Ignorance, Mindlessness
Abilities: Vampire Physiology || Noctambulance(Shadow Travel),Magic Projection and Channeling, Regeneration, Flight/Teleportation, Alchemy, Power Bestowal,Psychic Detection/Implementation, Semi-Immortality.
Limitations: Due to his physiology, the strength and accuracy of his powers relies on a steady and healthy diet of human blood and any strains of such will force him into a dormant period.He must feed from a healthy male or female twice a week to keep his powers sharp and failure to feed will cause his powers to dwindle as well as cause him to need more blood to sustain such abilities. His ability to bestow powers upon others is extended beyond those he turns.However, this ability seems more potent in Vampires than in humans who will be granted a power but will have to sharpen and improve that skill on their own.His psychic abilities although sharp can be disrupted by magic and psionic technologies. Various types of nonhuman and metahuman blood have been known to make vampires stronger but also may require him to feed on a larger amount to sustain their abilities.
Weapons: The Hex of Terrortuga; A rapier with the ability to cancel out and absorb magics from enemies and an unskilled user, feeding upon such and producing anomalous effects.He rarely uses the sword unless anticipating a nonhuman magical foe.The sword is able to create other relics and originates from the demon world.
Centurion: An enchanted Smith and Wesson Model 17 revolver with self reloading, self aiming bullets capable of storing magical charge.Some say, the Gun is bound to the soul of an old and loyal familiar to Ihsahn and that the Gun has 'a mind of its own' but none who have ever seen the revolver drawn have lived to express that fact besides a few select Vampire rivals.
Weaknesses: Exposure to sunlight will not kill the Vampire Instantly but as his skin soaks in rays of the sun, it will drain him of his mana (magical power) and force him to require nourishment over prolonged times.Days in the sun may cause the Vampire to get sick and fall ill or even fall into a feral state that can only be reversed by the proper bloodfill.
Birthday: April 3rd
Relationships: Unknown
Place of Residence: New Orleans, Louisiana

(Character heavily based on Lestat De Lioncourt, Typically set to play as the friendly Vampiric Mentor to human or nonhuman characters. Open to fandom crossovers and OC shipping)
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 27th 2023 15:49

Kain Shae'ohm

Name: Quaihm Shaeohm (Kain Xaeon)
Height:6'0 ft, 182 centimeters
Weight:170 Lbs, 77.1 kgs, 12.1 Stone
Eye Color: Naturally Hazel.. usually a deep brown or green but varies.. known to glow in unnatural hues during the activation of various facets of his Essokinesis...
Hair Color: Black
Skills: Intermediate Mechanic, Adept Cook, Unparalleled Martial Artist, Visionary Musician, Fluent Carpenter.
Likes: Brotherhood, Fellowship, Community, Family, Friendly Competition/Sport, Games, Music, Music, More Music, Cooking, Guitars, Animals of all kinds.. Even some spiders and snakes, Smoking Cigs and Modern Psychedelia,Mead and Cider, Folklore and stories, Myths and Legends.

Dislikes: Abrasive ignorance not limited to; Murders, Rapists, Liars, attackers of the weak and innocent, Politics, Modern Religion, The Men In Black, Crooked Cops, Racism of any form, Succubi, Vengeful Lich spirits, Death Gods, Time Gods.

Abilities: Essokinesis, Reactive Adaptation, Regeneration.

Essokinetics (Reality Warping)
Can be outdone by users of Alpha Reality and Omega Reality.
Users of Reality Anchoring and Reality Separation are immune.
Limited by how much raw power the user actually possesses.
Overpowered by Omnipotence, Omnilock, Omni-Negation and other Omnipotent Powers.
Users of Reality Restoration can simply undo everything.
Reality Warping and Paradox Manipulation tend to cancel each other out.
Basic knowledge of things, creativity, and desire for things to happen are needed for the user to warp reality effectively.
Cannot fool users of Reality Perception.
Power can be negated by users of Reality Alteration Negation.
May need to be within a reality to be able to bend it.
If user is placed in a realm with its reality is destroyed, they may be powerless.
Unless they have Reality Awareness or Reality Perception, user may be vulnerable to Illusion Manipulation.
May need to perform certain actions to use the power (rhyming, writing, etc.).
May be hard to control.

Reactive Adaptation
Adaptations may only be temporary.
Users may or may not be able to control adaptations.
New adaptations may grow naturally or be produced as a monstrosity.
Usually dependent upon a direct threat to the person, resulting in responsive action.
Learning some adaptations may negate other adaptations (e.g. learning to breathe water may prevent breathing air).
Some adaptations may be in conjunction with weaknesses.
Some threats are impossible to adapt to.
Some reactions may have a delayed response.
Certain hidden threats may not be reacted to.

Supernatural Regeneration
Damage inflicted by Irreversible Destruction cannot be regenerated.
Function of power:
Healing Erasure
Healing Factor Nullification
Regeneration can be lost if it depends on external source/object.
Removal of power may undo previous regeneration.
Misaligned body parts, foreign objects in wound, or mitosis-inhibiting drugs may affect regeneration.
Instant death may kill the user before they regenerate.
Death Inducement, Destabilization, Destruction, Disintegration, Incineration, One Hit Kill, etc.
Damage may exceed the rate or extent of regeneration.
Damage to the brain/head:
Decapitation/destroying the head can kill low-level users. High-level users can re-attach their head or regenerate a new head/body. Head Liberation users are unaffected.
If regeneration needs brain signals, damage may hinder the process.
May lose skills, senses, memories, or other powers. Loss may be permanent.
Healing may not include Pain Suppression.
May also involve inflammation.
If power is biological:
Biological Manipulation.
Excessive cell division may damage mitochondria and/or telomeres, causing premature aging and associated health problems. Mitochondria/Telomere Regeneration solves this problem.
Healing too fast may cause DNA replication errors, resulting in mutations, cancer, or the gain/loss/alteration of powers (including this power).
May still be vulnerable to disease.
May overload immune response, causing allergy/auto-immunity.
Power may replace immune system. User never develops natural immunity, and is vulnerable if de-powered.
Self-Sustenance/Energy Independence bypasses this limitation.
May still require food, water, air, etc.
Regeneration may increase nutrition requirements.
Starvation, dehydration, and suffocation may kill user.
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 27th 2023 15:44