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(Felicia Hardy)
24 / Female / Single
"I'm not a hero. I'm a thief. Born a thief. Raised a thief. Will die a thief."


Open to other stories such as fantasy and medieval. I am very open!

Start roleplaying with members like Black_Cat!



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" Oh jesus--i don't even think it works like that-- oh my i do wanna know."
She immediately now had a look on her face, of suprise for even now having such a dirty thought in her brian.

" B-Besides the point--hnmm-- i want to cross those boundaries...but I'm concerned it will be /too/ bold." She said as she chewed at the inside of her cheek.
Aug 31st 2019 22:04

" T-The thing is...Barry is generally nice. I mean. I can't exactly tell--" she said as she looked at her. " I mean, he's-- his mask name is 'The Flash'." She emphasized with her fingers.

" I'm not sure if he's aware of you, or if you're aware of him. But...neither of us has really talked about those--sort of feelings.." she said, before lightly facepalming. " He acts like a shy virgin. He blushes at the simplist of things. kinda funny and cute.." she rambled a little. Blushing more as she got caught up in her little brain.

" BUT DO NOT SAY ANYTHING-- I'm already worried you gonna pop up in his house.."
Aug 31st 2019 21:47

With the tip of her ears, burning from how embarrassed she was. She lightly scratched her cheek with a finger. Not, fully giving the female eye contact as she decided to tell-- her own way. " is Barry." She started. Letting out a soft sigh before, deeply inhaling. " He's...sorta good guy--mask wise. And nerdy. He's like the complete opposite of myself...and well. We been friends, but..lately I'm starting feelings." She said using her hand, as it gestured along with how she spoke.

Becoming, more and more apparent. She even started to pace a little. " Hes absolutely accepted everything about me. He knows I'm not good, but I'm not bad either. He knows what i look like when i use my powers. He's seen even my home...a-and such. But, we've never had sex or anything. It's been purely innocent! But--i-i don't know...if he's starting to feel the same...?" She said as she slowly rubbed the back of her neck, as she slowed up.

" He's---he's such a marshmallow.." she lightly groaned, resting her head down. As she completely stop in her place.

" But...despite all that, i realize he brings out a side to me...i want to stay."
Aug 31st 2019 14:16

Athena was flustered. It was something new for her to experince a feeling so deep like this, she didn't know how to express it. In all her years, she had never developed a proper feeling of love. She always avoided the idea of romance. I mean--sex and hook ups weren't off the table. But-- since she had met Barry Allen. Her head was spinning.

The nerdy speedster had gotten under her skin so deep. She was developing all these feelings...and well-- thats where Felicia would come in.

She was the girl's only form of a mother she had. She took care for her, trained her, and well-- helped her develope a more healthy view on life.

So when it came to these feelings....she needed help.

" Hey--.....--ugh....i need advice...H-how the hell did you know when peter first fell...for you?"
Aug 31st 2019 03:39

"Don't make me start with the blonde jokes."
She replied, with a small smile.

" I'll never shut up, and peter eventually by habit will start encouraging it." She playfully warned, before she used the back of her hand to wipe any of the wetness, she had once felt on her cheek.

" But, before i even begin that torture....tea does sound good. Better then boozes and other 'means'.
Jun 18th 2019 03:19

Athena could only admire Felica's strong will, and calm composure. Not, that she would say it fully aloud, but...Athena had grown attached to Felica aswell.

As her mentor, she helped her in growth, but as her family...she came to be more special then anything. No matter wait Felica would ask, or do, Athena would be there.

Without hesitation, she honestly would rather be dead, then have the only person she cared for snatched away.

" I hope we can find a way to take him out...." she replied, gently taking ahold of the hand that touched her cheek. As she was embracing the foreign comfort.

She could only express so much in such a moment. But, with Felica suggesting some tea, it really sounded what was best for the time being. But, with that memory in the back of her mind, she truly didn't know weather Felica herself would even be able to survivor the male.

" Felica..promise me, don't go against him alone. Have peter around, or even me. But, alone is something more dangerous then you believe. And you've witness first hand what i can do. But he-" she said before stopping herself mid sentence.knowing she likely sounded like a broken record.

Jun 11th 2019 05:50

" H-His name was R-Roshoku." She replied with a soft stutter.

Even with Felica having the girl focus on her. Athena couldn't be rid of the cold fear. " He's killed people, but when you look in his damn eyes...its like you get trapped, and he re frames it all and gets in you're head-" she said before wincing at the disturbed memories.

" h-his eyes practically become burned into you're brain. Its like you're bare to this-this monster who you can't knock down." She said, desperately trying to explain the mere trauma of what the male did. But, not even her words could describe what she felt, and saw.

It was like a whole different level of an enemy.

" Hes no king pin Felica.."

< Late reply! Sorry >
May 18th 2019 22:58

Regrasping her control. The female shakingly made her way towards the door.

Responding to Felica’s voice. Athena tried her hardest to get herself in a better mood. But, that typically was never easy. Athena of all people understood this. Yet, she didn’t like freaking Felica out. She didn’t want to burden the female.

But, here she was.
Jiggling the door knob, and concerned only like a maternal parent would be.

Athena couldn’t keep it together. The moment she got the door unlocked, was the exact moment Athena was quick to just hug the female.

“ H-his face....” she whimpered. “ H-His eye’s haunt me..” she softly choked. As she allowed her own anxieties to show.
Apr 16th 2019 05:02

It was like being choked. Breathless. It was one of those nights where you’re demons would be taking shots. But only in you’re head.

Whenever Athena went to sleep, she didn’t do it like any regular teen would. The female would be almost chugging Gin to put herself out, if, it hadn’t been for Felica.

It wasn’t often someone as famous as she, would really over look the edgy type as ward ‘ worthy’.

But, somehow, the sarcastic female had grown on the other. Leaving a tightly knitted bond of trust, and possibly...something foreign to the female.

But, none the less. Athena still kept some things withheld from Felica. Knowing, how it would make the female almost go ballistic with knowing.

With her recent encounter with the male, known as Roshoku. Athena had been left in a slight paranoia. The darkness the male had shared with the female, left her dreams haunted.

So haunted, it was like he could reach her through them. Causing her to be at a loss, and a cold, sweat, mess.

Clawing at the sheets beneath her as she sleeped. Athena couldn’t help but tremble and turn. Panting. Gasping, as she felt the anxiety rising.

If anyone had entered her room. It would be filled with fragments of dark clouds. Swarming and Spiking randomly. Athena’s control was weak. Which left anyone a victim to her night terrors.

Luckily, she always made it a point to lock her door. Knowing, she could harm another.

Athena feared her own abilities, and those she would come to ever care about.

But, the further she followed her own white rabbit. The further she went down the hole. And the further she fell, the more her power started to spiral. Swirling, and twirling into its own chaotic phase. It soon came to abrupt end when Athena shot up, screaming out against the terror that held onto her. Causing her to force spikes out in various directions of the room. Leaving the already damaged furniture in a much worse condition, then the last.

Causing her to slowly regain a grasp of her surroundings as she saw the mess.

With heavy breathes, the female trembled lightly before pushing herself to sit up a little straighter. Gathering her thoughts, and composure on her current state. Athena could only frown as she felt the festering frustration.

Every time.

Every time her mind toyed with her feelings...this is what would happen.

Chaos and Destruction.

There was no escape.
Apr 12th 2019 03:01