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(Jax Halstead)
27 / Male / In a Relationship
Chicago, Illinois - United States
My parents are cops. Me on the other hand. I'm different...way different.

@Hawkette.-Im hers and she's mine. That's all there is to it.

Start roleplaying with members like BlackHeart!



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Latest Questions

hydra asked the question
Q. "Something about taking down Hydra... I didn't really listen. I was more focused on the state of my front room."
A. "He must have really did a number on them, huh?"
 Jun 21st 2022 18:23

hydra asked the question
Q. "You heard about that? Word travels fast, huh. It was nothing, really. I'm fine. Some guy helped me, still don't know what to do about him."
A. "Did he say why he helped you, at least?" Jax asked worried.
 Jun 21st 2022 18:15

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