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(Jack Whitlock)
25 / Male / Single and Looking
Florida - United States
My names Jack Whitlock, I guess I'm here to have fun. I enjoy an array of activities like swimming, tennis, golfing, racing, cooking, and reading. I brief little history of myself, I dont come from money but I also wasn't destitute. My mother and father gave me a pretty good average life. My dad worked a good job and provided me and my mother a nice home and my mother didn't have to work so she was able to take care of me and the house. Pretty typical middle class life, but middle class wasn't what I wanted. I dreamed of having a life of opulence and excess, when I entered into high-school I started my first company. It was a pretty generic social app, got fairly popular and eventually got bought out by a larger company. I took that money and started work on a new app that allowed people to store and encrypt there patient data so when scheduling for medical appointments all you have to do is tap your phone on the scanner, no more filling out those annoying ass forms. Made some money there and diversified into real estate, sports, and a whole host of other ventures. I've had fantastic luck and now I can finally enjoy the fruits of my labor now that I've finally entered the 3 commas club!

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