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(Renn Baker)
20 / Male / In Love
Dogtown, California - United States
Mickey aka Mr. Spooky,
You manipulate my pulse from slow to fast. You may be a psycho killer but you'll always be my psycho lover boi. ♥

@Ri0t, my sessster, bff,....I guess you ain't so bad :) ♥


Maybe it was my ADHD or my Bipolar or both, but as a child, I would put in my headphones and just pretend I’m living… this is what I did for fun, I would put my headphones on over my ears and wear a beanie to keep them from falling off. I would put on something with sick drums and a kick ass guitar, grab my skateboard and push wood. Synchronized with the music, of course, this was more convincing to me that I was not in my life, but that I was in this fictional reality. This reality didn’t even need to be better, it just needed to be not my life, but it always was, better that is. If I didn’t have my skateboard I would interpret the song and either skip to it, walk rhythmically to it, or rock out somewhere; it depended on the song really. This was my first drug and I could not understand why nobody else wanted to live the way I was living… the only thing I wished differently is for the music to play out loud and not only in my head as this tended to make me feel self-conscious or awkward in the supermarket or at public places in general. Life became a music video, and I became the voice, my emotions the music, my brain the lyrics, my character a poet, personifying sacrifice. I couldn’t understand why everyone else was so BORING! Why they didn’t see me there skipping down the street and running to catch up with me and say, “hey, what are you doing?” … or something along those lines. I didn’t understand why I was alone still in this new world.


You're the reason
That the angels are singing
To terrified shepherds tonight


Start roleplaying with members like Antihero!



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Latest Comments

Where did you disappear to?
Jan 26th 2024 04:29


My big brother,

I don’t think anyone in the world could understand me as much as you do. I mean, sure, it’s because we grew up together but still.

I hate that we grew up this way, but, not going at it alone, is, well. Yeah.

Thank you for always having my back, thank you for always stepping up when you didn’t have to. Even when you had your own sh*t to deal with. You always have room for me in your life.

You are a true gift in this world and I f***ing love you.

Merry Christmas ♥️
Dec 25th 2023 06:42

And I love YOU my murderous angel.
Dec 14th 2023 23:17

// Thank you for being such a kind person and taking the time to chat with me when you saw me being down. A lot of people run away from that and I understand, but you took the time to talk to me and distract me with memes haha, and I will not ever forget your kindness. I hope to someday make your day bright like you did mine 2 weeks ago.

I am so blessed to be able to write your sister. Thank you so much!
Dec 12th 2023 22:49

My monster <3
Dec 4th 2023 12:46

Pssssst. I f***ing love you.
Dec 2nd 2023 14:01

Hmmmmm. Oh yeah.

-does the tune-

the lease knobby dot, the lease knobby dot, the lease knobby dot.

Prosthetic arm pit for Elise tonight



Dec 2nd 2023 11:01

Make me shiver and whisper it in my ear.
Nov 29th 2023 12:06

Mark me up, baby.
Nov 29th 2023 04:14

I know I don't have to, I WANT to. We're not leaving this bed for DAYS, Renny.
Nov 29th 2023 03:51