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( ‘ ellie ‘ )
14 / Female / Single
United States
note : character is a minor. no sm*t. i repeat, NO SM*T. thanks,

The immune protagonist from The Last of Us.


(copied and pasted from a wiki)

Ellie Williams is a main character in The Last of Us. She is a 14-year-old orphan in post-apocalyptic America that has been ravaged by the Cordyceps brain infection, to which she is immune. In hopes of creating a vaccine, Marlene tasks Joel Miller with smuggling her out of Boston to the Fireflies.

A brave, 14-year-old girl, Ellie has grown up in this harsh world and it is all she has ever known. She’s an orphan who was raised in a boarding school run by the military within the bounds of the quarantine zone. Naïve and curious about the outside world, she is wise beyond her years and highly capable of taking care of herself and those around her. Obsessed with comic books, CDs, and other pop culture, her knowledge base is filled by the remnants of a world that no longer exists.

Having been raised in an environment where modern standards and values have deteriorated, Ellie is considerably rash, foul-mouthed, impulsive, and temperamental, and is unfazed by the notion of using violence as a means to an end or profanity as a way of expressing how she feels. However, she manages to maintain a particular innocence as she has yet to see the darkest sides of human nature, and retains a palpable trust in people. This serves as the juxtaposition to Joel's wary, morose, and cynical outlook on post-pandemic life. She apologized to the soldier scanning her moments before stabbing him in the leg and hoped to incapacitate him and Ramirez with non-lethal means.

Ellie is also perceptibly clever and witty, and will do whatever it takes to keep Joel and herself alive. She has good survival instinct and she can be resourceful. She takes orders from Joel, but all the while makes it clear she does not "need any babysitting at all".

Ellie is enthusiastic about the outside world, given her confinement to her quarantine zone during her childhood. She is obsessed with things she collects from others, illustrated through her interest in music, movies, books, and video games. Ellie states that when she was a child, she had a coloring book, and thought the gnomes in it were cute, but fairies startled her. She frequently remarks her amusement upon finding interesting collectibles throughout her trip, which often clashes with Joel's physical indifference.

Note: Ellie is lesbian, please don’t try anything with a male character. Thanks :)


hey, my name’s cal. here are some rules + other info for roleplays!

★ i enjoy rping darker themes, but absolutely no sm*t. don’t add me if that’s what you’re looking for, thanks. i’m okay for romance, though.
★ my grammar ooc isn’t the best, but don’t worry, i don’t type like this in rp.
★ this account is really only for rping ellie. i don’t normally rp other characters. i will sometimes rp two or more characters if it’s needed, though!
★ i’ve been writing for 6 years now, and i’ve been roleplaying for 4 years. i have experience, but i’m not amazing.
★ sometimes i get a bit out of character on accident, and i apologize. i’m probably sleep-deprived or busy and just kinda out of it, so just keep that in mind, thank you.
★ speaking of being busy—please don’t spam message me if i don’t respond right away. i lead a very complicated life and i’m not always online. if i appear to be online and i’m not responding, i may be either typing a response (for either you or someone else), or i’m editing my profile.
★ if it’s been two to three days and you haven’t responded, i’ll give you a “friendly bump” as a reminder. feel free to do the same to me.
★i’ll try to follow your roleplaying style. if you give me a one-liner, i do the same. if you give me a paragraph, i do the same. if you give me multiple paragraphs, again, i’ll try to do the same. my writing style varies. though it’s usually one to three paragraphs, depending on the rp.
★ more abt me than rp, but my pronouns r she/they and i’m a lesbian. yippee ig

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Miss you
Feb 28th 2024 04:02

// Behind the adventuring barkeep - Hello! I'd like to thank you so much for accepting my friend request ^^ I'd more than happy to discuss storyline. I can also place her in any setting such as TLOU and I adjust her backstory according to which verse.
Jan 7th 2024 01:32