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25 / Female / Single
Impulsive tendencies—an overwhelmingly compelling need of belonging embedded into every part of her entire experience as a human being—control her thoughts, emotions, needs, & cravings—an ironic paradox to her current state of isolation. A brain flooded with erratic thoughts & creative ideas bordering on existential madness is inspired anew every day by the rules of the creator, itching to discover more of the secrets behind this unfathomable universe. A hidden pain surfaced through the softness of her melodic voice. A woman who plays with the strings of her heart as effortlessly as the pads of her fingers stream down the strings of her guitar.

The girl of your dreams & your nightmares. A blunt mouth, a soft smile, & a bittersweet experience. She is the one thing you can never truly regret to the core. She enjoys talkative individuals, long nights with good company, coffee, & looking at the sky. She is misunderstood quite often, which is why she stopped caring about having a specific image. Different people see different glimpses of her personality; she is a person of constant change. If you are not willing to truly give yourself to her as a friend, do not bother getting acquainted. She is greedy with her love. She is slowly becoming conscious of herself in hopes of showcasing an even better version of herself in time.

It is never really about quantity with her; it is all about quality, especially when it comes to people. If you are exciting, if you make her laugh, if you enhance each other’s lives—that is what truly matters. She is satisfied with one person like that rather than hundreds of pointless relationships. She craves more, but that rarely happens when she is satisfied with someone’s company. When she is truly & utterly pleased with a person, she is at peace. She is balanced. She can breathe. People are her biggest struggle. She is distinctive, loud, & even greedy. Sometimes she is too quiet, & she tends to close off instead of explaining herself. She is bad at dealing with stress. Sometimes she wonders if she will ever be able to change. She is so angry that people do not accept her as she is.

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