
Please don't break any of these rules whilst role playing, it will only make me feel uncomfortable and simply throw me off. I probably wouldn't respond for days or even delete the entire thing.

I'll keep it pretty simple and list only 3 rules which are:

1) God-modding
Having a character which is way stronger than mine is okay honestly. But if the character can somehow read my character's minds and know what they're thinking about and such, then I would mind that. A lot actually. Your character can't be all high and mighty whilst my poor character's just being used to show your character's strength.

2) Your delay in responses
This one is one rule I can bend for a few people. Those are people who I've started role playing with. If they don't respond after a month, then I send a reminder but if people who I've added and we're only texting, then I'll wait a few days for the response but if it's been longer than two weeks, I'll remove you.

3) My delay in responses
Usually, I reply right away. About half an hour to three hourse after you've sent your respond. It's rare when I actually leave it for a day or two, even more rare if it reaches a week. It would only mean one of the three:
-I got extremely busy with school work
-I wasn't motivated enough to reply
-I got bored of the role play
The last one is a rare one too cause I truly love all my role plays. So I might take a while to reply at times but know that I'm only human and I have school, tests and piano lessons I gotta get to.

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155 | Apr 4th 2017 19:38