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(Iris Kingston)
22 / Female / Single
United Kingdom
Hello, there! I am a literate, English role-player. I have been role-playing for 12+ years, mainly on Facebook.

A quick explanation of my character- her full name is Victoria Iris Kingston, though most people tend to refer to her by her middle name, Iris, for short. She's an OC created by me, however, she's more plot-based, in which case some details of her might change slightly in order to better fit the plot or fandom.e.g. if she needs to be good or bad for a role-play to work, what her occupation should be, her species- that sort of thing. Her personality and such tend to remain the same, as does her age. Think of her as an adaptive OC. I wanted people who had amazing ideas but nobody to write them with to have another option.

If you have any questions please feel free to let me know. If you have any other queries, comments, or concerns, then please ask me. You can also find me on Facebook under Iris Kingston:
OOC~ I'm very friendly, and open to talking to people, whether they be new or old to role-playing, so don't be afraid to message to me~ ^_^

I am well versed in various genres of role-play, and I am familiar with a variety of fandoms, including but not limited to:

-Doctor Who [classic and modern era [minus series 11 and 12 of modern Who]]





-Detroit: Become Human

-Crimson Peak

-Pirates Of The Caribbean (all movies)

-Various Batman movies and adaptations [Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman And Robin, The Dark Knight, Suicide Squad, and a majority of the Batman games- Arkham Asylum for example.]

-Deadpool [1, 2, and the game.]


-The Witcher [Netflix]

-Guardians Of The Galaxy

-The Watchmen

-Interview With The Vampire

-ITV's Jekyll And Hyde

-Phantom of The Opera [Various adaptations, including the ones with Gerard Butler and Charles Dance]

-Les Misérables


-BBC's The League of Gentleman

-Red Dwarf [almost all seasons]

-Kingsmen [1, 2]

-Various Youtube and music fandoms [Dan And Phil, Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and such]

-Various classic and hammer horror franchises [Halloween, Friday The 13th, Dracula, Frankenstein .e.t.c.- if you are unsure about how many of these I've seen related to a role-play or your character/idea, feel free to ask.

-Various Mel Brooks movies [Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Young Frankenstein, The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother .e.t.c.]

-Various Jim Carrey movies [The Mask, Liar Liar, both Ace Ventura movies, Bruce Almighty, The Cable Guy, Batman Forever .e.t.c.]

-Sherlock (BBC and various movie/TV adaptions~ any inquires as to which of these I have seen, feel free to ask, though the actors I'm familiar with are:
-Jeremy Brett [Classic Series]

-Benedict Cumberbatch [BBC Sherlock]

-Robert Downey Jr. [Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows]

-James D'Arcy [Sherlock {a movie from 2002}]

-Nicholas Rowe [Young Sherlock Holmes]

And much more, though I am also OC friendly, so, feel free to add me if you are such an account- you don't have to be a canon character.
My main rules~

-I am an English role-player, so, being able to read and write in English is preferred. If you cannot speak English fluently, however, I am open to still trying to communicate through Google Translate, though there may be slight difficulties with the communication barriers due to Google Translate sometimes being inaccurate with its translations. Decent grammar is also appreciated.

-I am not fond of God Modding- I don't participate in it myself, but as long as you don't do it to the extreme, I won't have much of a problem with it. If I do have any problems, I'll let you know in the most civil manner that I can- I don't enjoy feeling as though I've upset someone, and I hope to become friends with the majority of the people that I talk to, so, don't feel disheartened if I have to discuss an issue with you- it will in no way affect how admirable I find you, or affect our friendship- however, I find that I very rarely have to discuss such issues.

-I do not have any issue with gore or swearing in role-plays, but, once again, in the rare case of any issues arising, I shall discuss them with you in the hopes to resolve the matter.

-Unless I know you well enough, I will not disclose my personal details. This is for my own personal feeling of security. If I feel as though you are pressuring me into doing so, and I feel uncomfortable with the situation, I give you notice of my compulsion to use the block button. I would prefer to keep myself to myself in most cases, and I would appreciate respect for that.

-I am a friendly, understanding person- if you ever need to talk to someone/need a friend- I will be there; friendships don't end with role-playing for me, and if I can be of any assistance to you when you're in need, I'll see what I can do. I am willing to make friends, and I'm not a judgy person, so, feel free to discuss any topics with me if you feel the need. I suffer from severe anxiety, depression, and insomnia, so just know that, whatever your situation, you will never be alone.

I think that's it for now- thank you for reading my bio- I appreciate it! And I apologise for how long it is.

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