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(♥Eggs Benedict ♥)
31 / Male / Single
London, United Kingdom
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Welcome to my
Bio !
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'Help me, I’m stuck in This Place. Give me a call when you see this!!'

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✆ hello? ah Yes finally! Contact with Someone Please Dont go to Fazbear Entertainment " you hear a scream as the phone is broken '' and laughter is heard! and a person in purple is seen"

✆ You must be wondering who I am. Well, let me tell you before i am found out and killed by him....

+heyo a little about me in general aka Michael Admin

+ been in fnaf for 8+ years and counting read all the fnaf books besides the fourth closet and the twisted ones
+ semi- lit roleplayer

+ i have AD which is short for Asperger syndrome"so stuff easily distracts me and triggers so please dont give me anxiety

+ i am also a William Afton Simp if you haven't already know ;)

+ i also have a soft spot for Neck Nuzzles and head pats

+ i Can Edit a photo for you and do some cool aesthetic collages

+ i do know other verses just ask me!

+ okay onto the important stuff down below ...

- rules blog

⭐ kinks + Limits ⭐

Start roleplaying with members like PurplercBotics!



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