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9 Friends



(No longer active)
106 / Other / Forever Alone
Under a blanket, Australia

.............Perfection is not attainable ⮜BUT⮞ If we chase perfection. We catch excellence.............



Hello, there

Please read my rules before friending or accepting a request from me. If you don't, let be known we won't be friends for long:

I'm fairly flexible when it comes to genres, but I do enjoy doing modern romance, drama, supernatural, and I'm even trying my hand at fantasy. I only do gay romances and outside of that, I'm afraid I cannot do. I ask for literacy, please. I don't mind if things get spicy between characters or even scandalous ;) Just to be clear I can do subs and doms. I'm here to have a good time so all a**holes begone! ♪(´▽`)

I do get busy often and feel unmotivated on most days, but I try to give replies as quickly as possible. Then again who doesn't get busy? If you said 'me' then you're lying, just facts. Please pardon me if I have any errors but don't let this stop us from becoming friends (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Here's a little character guide to help you. Watch out for any new arrivals on the way~

Start roleplaying with members like Little_Mushroom!



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