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2 Friends



21 / Male / Single
L.A, California - United States
Not new here I'm going to try this again.

Hello, there My name is Kyle! I love to roleplay and create stories to get away from real life. I love to do any roleplay including tv shows, except for furries or pedos.

I can do FXM, FXF, and MXF for your liking. I do accept s*mt and slow-burn romance.

Before you want to roleplay here are some rules to go over.

here are some rules first if you want to friend request me to roleplay with you.

Rule #1: Please, please, be nice, I don't like it when people get upset and mad and then unfriend me. If you be rude or unpleasant you will be blocked and removed.

Rule #2: No bullying, racism, or homophobic slurs on my profile. We are here to have fun and be friends. If anybody breaks that rule you will be blocked.

Rule #3: I am pretty much an open book. I will go with any plot you guys create. (expect for anime, Furries, or wrestling) you guys can go through my plots if you find something interesting you want to roleplay. We can always share our plots together.

Rule #4: Always, have good grammar and spelling. Yes, I understand English is not for everyone I'm not going to be the grammar police about it. Please check for spelling and grammar for me to understand.

Rule #5:Have fun! Roleplay is about escaping and having a good time.

You can browse my Character sheet on my blog page or look at my gallery which character I can roleplay as.

Go ahead and hit that friend request and get a story going all my rules and plots are on my blog page or I can choose a plot from your blog page.

Start roleplaying with members like KyleW!



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