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4 Friends



23 / Male / In a Relationship
Funky Town, California - United States
//hi! i'm not the most active on this site anymore, but if you want to continue an old rp or start a new one, you're more than welcome to ask me for my discord id!<3 ( just message me so i know who you are before i add you! :) )

bee eff from friday nite funky.

- this is not a wholly canon take on him because he's been influenced by my own writing over the last year or so, BUT i will try to write him as close to the canon as i possibly can.
- don't expect 'uwu soft boyfriend' because it disgusts me.
- i can also change his design back to the original's if you'd prefer that, but i default to my own interp if no word is given.
- and don't ask for the boyfriend username because i'm not giving it up lmao.
- i have a fnf roleplay server on discord. if i think you're cool enough, i just might let you join.
- if you have any questions or concerns beyond this, please message me here or get in contact with me on discord.

that's all i have to say for now. have a nice day! :) )

Start roleplaying with members like Boyfriend!



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Latest Questions

Rammie asked the question
Q. Yeet the baby.
 Oct 2nd 2021 14:09

Rammie asked the question
Q. Want to fly my giant robot?
A. idk does it have seatbelts??
 Aug 20th 2021 13:11

Latest Comments

Hey, man! Long time no talk heh ^^ I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'd be down to start another rp if you're down!
Jun 27th 2022 03:17

I'm the homo?
Aug 3rd 2021 20:45

Aug 3rd 2021 10:28

Good thing I can cook :)
Jul 27th 2021 10:03

I. love. the. kids. I might cry-
Jul 25th 2021 13:09