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(Sarah Lynn)
19 / Female / Single
Washington - United States
Name: Sarah Lynn
Age: 31
Height: 5'4
Birthday year: 1984

As a troubled thirty-year-old pop star, Sarah Lynn appeared on the surface to be selfish, hedonistic, reckless, and self-centered, acting like a bratty teenager.

In the episode Prickly-Muffin, she makes a public scene in a furniture store by stabbing herself with a bayonet and defecating on a sofa. She also trashed BoJack's home while throwing wild parties and constantly took advantage of him.

She was often seen on her phone and was pretty irresponsible with her actions, such as in Prickly-Muffin when she had holes drilled in BoJack's wall for "a cocaine sex booth.” She also set his ottoman on fire without any motive whatsoever.

Other appearances show her acting erratically. Sarah Lynn was constantly seen taking drugs such as cocaine or drinking heavily in public. She is also seen crushing up a handful of pills and snorting them, or inhaling spray paint fumes with a paper bag. Besides her drug addiction, she is seen driving recklessly, as she painted her toenails on the steering wheel.

However, Sarah Lynn was lonely, troubled, and was obviously suffering from substance abuse. Most of the people in her life only wanted to be around her because they had an agenda or wanted something out of her. She was concerned about what people thought of her and did anything she could for attention and validation. As she told BoJack in That's Too Much, Man!, she wears her normal shirt because the company who made it paid her to, she says she didn’t even need the money, she was just glad someone still cared about her. The high she got from drugs gave her pleasure, and the only reason she tried going sober was to intensify her high once she went back to drugs again.

Sarah Lynn was quite intelligent and had a strong passion for architecture. She dreamed of being an architect her whole life, but this dream was not achieved due to being forced into a life of fame and substance abuse at a young age. At several points in the series, she uses architecture terminology and demonstrates her knowledge on the subject.

She doesn’t look back on aspects of her fame highly, questioning how her being on the show wasn’t child labor, since she was three and didn’t understand what she was getting into, and admitting how disgusting it is that every day she gets messages from male fans telling her she was the first girl they masturbated to.

Flashbacks to both her childhood and preteen years on the set of Horsin' Around shows her as an extroverted and happy child, however she did not have good parental figures, as her mother was a controlling stage parent who forced her into show business and shot down any of her dreams that were not related to fame (such as her dreams of being an architect). Her stepfather was a bear and a "photographer," and it is implied he sexually abused her as Sarah Lynn "knows what bear fur tastes like," as mentioned in Still Broken. He also home-schooled her, which isolated her from kids her own age.

The later seasons of Horsin' Around show Joelle openly showed resentment towards her, because of her popularity getting her more screen time, and rejected her attempts at friendship. In the present Sarah Lynn returns this, acting hostile towards her by insulting her weight and trying to attack her.

She looked up to BoJack off-screen as a father figure, even idolizing him to an extent, and flashbacks indicate that Sarah Lynn's self-destructive behavior is in part the result of BoJack neglecting, and negatively influencing her as a child, as he would with many other women in his life, and even right up until her untimely death. At the tender age of six, BoJack told her "The most important thing is, you've got to give the people what they want. Even if it kills you, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you don't stop dancing, and you don't stop smiling, and you give those people what they want."

Later, in 2007, BoJack visits her after one of her concerts. She is initially excited to see him, and while they talk, Sarah Lynn shows how stressful her fame is and how everyone around her is only there to get something out of her. Unfortunately, BoJack reveals that he only showed up because he wanted her to be on his new show, which saddens her and furthers reinforces the idea that people in her life are always going to use her. This ultimately sends her over the edge, and for the next few years, she turns to destructive behavior just for attention.

BoJack was also responsible for the first time she got drunk, at the age of ten, due to leaving his vodka in a water bottle sitting in his dressing room where she was getting her hair cut, he had sex with her when they were both drunk, and when she was sober for almost nine months he took advantage of the fact she was very ready to go off the wagon and went on a bender with her, that led to her death.

Sarah Lynn occasionally showed signs of being a kind, smart, and thoughtful person. She did care about the people close to her, like BoJack, but had difficulty showing it.

Her last words were "I wanna be an architect."

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