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21 Friends



29 / Male / Single
Iowa - United States
Been rping for a very long time and enjoy it very much. Hoping to create beautiful tales with others.

I tend to make my characters on the spot when it comes to rp. I do how ever have a few character options for people to pick from.

Feel free to add me for just about any kind of rp because at the end of the day it's about having fun and creating beautiful interesting stories.

Love writing poetry. Here is a piece I have written.

It seems just like yesterday that the darkness had a solid hold and that nothing good could behold
It seems just like yesterday death was at the door and ready to steal the inner core
The night never seems to end everything just starts to blend might as well be gone with the wind
The monster just creeps and peeps eats all the sheep and drinks the tears of those who weep
The voices they never end yelling again and again
The evil with inside has its own drive and it is a mask even if it was never asked
It seems that the years go on but what is there never moved on
The beast that slumbers now with in is just waiting for a chance to go at it again
Waiting to destroy the world and all which dear holds
It seems like it was just to good to be true and to truly be something new
It seems it is so easy when you are evil
It makes you feel full and be whole
It seems that in the end the will can easily bend
It seems like the weight was always a part of fate

Start roleplaying with members like gamerxgoth!



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If you could be any magical creature or creature in general what would you be? Me id be a Dragon.
1  May 15th 2024 04:30

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