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Forum > Crime > Sandra and Stero

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Started by Protagonist_Kun , Nov 25th 2023 18:18

Protagonist_Kun - Nov 25th 2023 18:18

(This is the start of the Roleplay)

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the_puppeteer_15 - Nov 25th 2023 18:28

Westview, a quiet, peaceful town has been a great town for those who have grew up there. It was the middle of summer and everyone was out doing what the do. Having cook outs, swimming, and having fun. About a few weeks ago, a new moved into this town, though everyone knew her. She used to live there when she was younger but moved away when her parents got new jobs. She was back though and was trying to have as much fun as she could.

Two weeks after she moved back to Westview she was sitting out side on her lawn getting as good of a tan she could when the police cars zoomed by. She sat up and raised an eye brow. She wasn’t the only one raising their brow as the cop cars rushed by. Later that night, the news spread fast. Some teens found a body laying at the water. Supposedly it was the sheriff’s son who had gone missing a week ago. As the girl sat on her couch, her mother walked in “Sandra? Everything okay?” She asked. Sandra couldn’t say a word though and stared blankly at the screen

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Protagonist_Kun - Nov 25th 2023 18:47

(I have no idea how Stero can be a part of this at the moment so I'm gonna skip a turn. Masbey try to get her into an alleyway and she might bump into Stero.)

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the_puppeteer_15 - Nov 25th 2023 18:53


Sandra ignored her mother and got up. She couldn’t be there, it didn’t feel right, her head felt messed up. She got up and ignored her mother talking behind her but she just grabbed she shoes and walked out the door. She walked down to the side walk. There wasn’t a single soul outside as she made her way into town. The shops closed early it seemed and one of the miss posters caught her eye and her heart started to beat faster and she darted into a direction she didn’t know, it ended up being a dark alley. She rubbed her face and tried to calm down a bit

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Protagonist_Kun - Nov 25th 2023 19:24

Stero wan in the abandoned blockbuster. He cloud have sworn he heard Something from the alleyway... Could this be the killer everyone's talking about? Cautiously, Stero Stero peeks into the allyway... Oh that's a relief. Its just a random girl. Stero walks behind her.

"Hello there!"

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the_puppeteer_15 - Nov 25th 2023 19:30

Sandra thought everyone was home so to hear someone’s voice made her scream. She had jumped back too and tripped over some can laying in the alleyway. “F***…ow..” she muttered to herself and she landed on her back. She looked back up at the guy the scared the crap out of her, anger a bit present in her eyes.

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Protagonist_Kun - Nov 25th 2023 20:32

It was a kid who looked about 17 or 18. He was wearing goggles witch obscured his eyes, A green hoddie, and a black T-shirt witch is tucked into his blue jeans with a belt.

"Oh! I'm sorry for surprising you! I'm too good at it. My name Is Stero. Who are you?"

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the_puppeteer_15 - Nov 25th 2023 20:42

She got up and brushed herself off “Sandra” she said and looked him up and down “why are you out here? I thought everyone was hiding inside?”

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Protagonist_Kun - Nov 25th 2023 20:55

"Wellllll don't tell anyone.... Buttttt I'm using this opportunity to Steal VHS tapes from this old blockbuster. You know, that video store from the 80s? I'm takeing the tapes and running them through a machine I made."

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the_puppeteer_15 - Nov 25th 2023 20:58

She blinked a few times and and rubbed her eyes “you’re telling me someone died and you not scared so you just come out and steal stuff. What is this machine do anyways?”

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