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The Mane Event

Spade replied to Spade's topic

*Solar glances at the note before heading over to the door, holding it open for Dancer and Glory.*


*Is there anyone you'd like to check on?*

*Anywhere we should take a second glance at?*

14 hours ago

The Mane Event

Spade replied to Spade's topic

*It takes Solar a bit to return, but soon enough he's back. A rather worn looking saddlebag rests against his side, it's contents clinking quietly as he moves.*

Solar:I think I got everything! Even grabbed my notes to make sure they're working right-

*He pauses for a moment, looking back down the hall.*

Solar:Should we let Lime and Dizzy know we're going out?

May 31st 2024 07:34

The Mane Event

Spade replied to Spade's topic

*Solar grins at Glory, his smile momentarily rivaling one that you'd imagine on a mad scientist or daredevil.*

Solar:Testing artifacts! Dancer knows a place-

*This is all Solar says before quite literally flying out of the room in a semi-orange blur. His coffee cup rests abandoned on the counter.*

*He's really excited about this, isn't he?*

May 30th 2024 10:54

The Mane Event

Spade replied to Spade's topic

*Solar nearly drops his coffee, eyes widening.*

Solar:Wha- Really? You Do?

*He seems really excited about this. What a nerd. Or does geek fit better? Perhaps both work in this case.*

Solar:I'll go grab a bag and- and definitely a fire extinguisher and goggles!

*The orange pegasus is practically bouncing in his seat. I suppose passion about an interest does that to people.*

May 29th 2024 21:55

The Mane Event

Spade replied to Spade's topic

*Solar doesn't answer immediately, taking a drink from his mug when Dancer asks. He does seem to perk up at the question, grinning behind his cup.*

Solar:Yep! Only one or two of the artifacts I've pulled out are rocks though. I just have to set up a space since I doubt Lime wants a fire in his building.

May 29th 2024 20:45