Willow Green

Name: Willow Lilith Green
Gender: Male
Nickname/Alias: Will, Lilith
Age: 18-19
Species: Human
Occupation: Either in school or working at his grandmother's Florist shop.

Sexual Orientation: Gay
Position: Sub/Bottom

Hair: Platinum blond, straight and slightly messy.
Eyes: Grey, always appear drowsy
Body/Height/Skin: 5’2” Porcelain skin. Very thin with little to no muscle. Prominent collar bones and thigh gap. Has a very feminine figure.
Style: Mostly wears black but likes to add some muted tones here and there. Likes foresty greens and dark reds. He likes to wear baggy sweaters that hide his skinny figure. Often paints his nails black but usually ends up chipping away at them when he's bored or nervous.
Body Modifications: N/A (He wants piercings and tattoos but he is scared of needles.)

Personality: Willow could care less about people. His interests lie in nature and animals. He is quiet and doesn’t like to voice his feelings, making him very reserved. It takes a lot to make him angry but it’s easy to make him cry. He is very sensitive. He does whatever he can to stay out of trouble.
Habits: Chipping his nail polish and biting his nails.
Likes: Plants. Going on walks in nature. Being alone. Folk rock.
Dislikes: Being yelled at. People who disrespect nature.
Greatest fear: Nuclear war. The thought that something could destroy all life in the blink of an eye terrifies him.

Backstory: Willow grew up living with his grandmother after his mother died at birth. His father was never in the picture. He has always lived with the guilt that he was the reason for his mother's death. As he grew older his grandmother grew weaker and he had to take care of her. When he turned 18 his grandmother died from old age and he ended up inhering everything she had. He now lives peacefully in her house and works as a florist at her shop, which he now runs.

Favorite song: youtu.be/1IJ0k0SRYoA?si=Qgypdr0tGAHbaGZD
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1 | Apr 8th 2024 06:35