Rules x

1. Please do not be rude, uncouth or intentionally hurtful. I will not tolerate bullying or discrimination. Its one thing to joke about certain topics with friends and its another to say it to a stranger on the internet. Be wary.

2. If you would like to roleplay, I am more than happy to suss it out with you first or jump straight in. If we are sussing it out first though, please put sufficient input in so I know what kind of story you want to tell as well.

3. Do not screw with any of my characters. They are my characters. I decide their actions, emotions, thoughts and morals. You do not. I also will not stand for people asking me to make significant alterations to any of my OC's; I made them that way for a reason and they are precious to me. I try to create some diversity in my OC's to be able to fit certain rp's better than others but, I will not make significant changes to one OC when I clearly already have a better fit for our story.

4. No S/A scenes. At all. It can be part of your OC's backstory but, it will NOT be roleplayed. I am personally a survivor of multiple S/A's and suffer from PTSD and clinical anxiety as a result and scenes such as that can trigger me immensely.

5. Always tell me if you are uncomfortable with certain things. Do not ever be afraid to tell me you need trigger warnings or whatnot for gore, etc. I am extremely open-minded and empathetic to that as I also have things I simply cannot deal with. I will not judge you for needing reassurance or extra comfort.

6. Do not try to jump straight into ero! rp. I will not tolerate it and our characters have to have sufficient reason to be engaged in that kind of manner. I dont really enjoy N*FW roleplay simply because it has no plot or story and thats just boring.

7. Please be aware, I live in Australia so I am in a different time zone to a lot of you and I may take a bit to reply as I have other commitments in my own life as well. I can also just completely forget that this site exists sometimes. I will always get back to you when I see it. Just be patient with me x

Thank you very much xx
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20 | May 12th 2022 23:25