• Sitri •

Sitri is a mysterious being known as a serpent-human hybrid demon, possessing a striking appearance with features reminiscent of both serpents and humans. His piercing eyes hold ancient wisdom and a hint of mischief, while his sinuous, scaled body moves with a mesmerizing grace that belies his demonic nature.

Born in the depths of the underworld, Sitri is rumored to have a dual nature, embodying both the cunning intellect of serpents and the primal instincts of demons. Despite his fearsome reputation, Sitri is said to be a master of illusions and charm, able to beguile even the most wary souls with his silver-tongued words and hypnotic gaze.

Little is known about Sitri's origins or his true motivations, as he is a creature of shadows and secrets, lurking on the edges of mortal realms and the demon hierarchy. Some whisper that he seeks to unravel the mysteries of creation itself, while others believe he is simply a malevolent force drawn to chaos and discord.

Those who have encountered Sitri speak of an enigmatic being whose presence is both alluring and unsettling, a being whose true intentions remain veiled behind a mask of inscrutable smiles and cryptic riddles. Whether he is a being of darkness or a harbinger of change, Sitri's legend continues to grow, shrouded in myth and mystery.
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1 | May 21st 2024 06:46