~About Zeno~

► general biography;
Name: Zeno Ewahosa
Gender: Male
Age: 21 years (By Human standards)
Birthdate: Day 21, Month 2, Age 859 of the Lunarian Calendar.
Species: Darkling
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single

► background details;
Place of Birth: Kamiyo Island
Hometown: Lunarvale City
Education: A scholarship in Mirasburg, consisting of a degree in Dark Magic and a degree in Nature magic.
Mother: Diadora Ewahosa - Nurse. Status: Alive
Father: Zuerel Ewahosa - Policeman. Status: Alive
Occupation: Freelance Detective, Novelist (Self-Employed)

► physical details;
Eye Color: Pure White
Hair Color: Black(?)
Hairstyle: Short, lightly curled, and very fluffy.
Height: 5'5 ft / 165 cm
Weight: 132 lbs / 59.8 kg
Body Type: Slim

► detailed biography;
Personality: Zeno is a dreamer; he always seems to be chasing his ambitions in one way or another. He's somewhat mature, wisecracking, friendly, loyal, and doesn't hesitate to call out the things he dislikes, in a cheerful demeanor at that. He's really fun to have around and is overall a good friend. He doesn't take too kindly to some types of people. He claims that "It feels good to shut someone up when they're acting full of themselves."

Although, he also has his fair share of problems.
Zeno can be easily agitated sometimes, if one were to mention something he hates on a bad day, there'd certainly be some verbal lashings to be had. He also holds grudges like there's no tomorrow, to the point where it's not very healthy; he also has a tendency to charge into things rather impulsively.

Hobbies: Reading, Practicing Magic, Playing games

Likes: Writing, Music, Videogames, Guns, Adventuring/Exploring, Justice, Cloudy Weather.
Dislikes: Condescension, Monsters, Mankind’s flaws, Being Underestimated, Insects.

Appearance: Zeno wears a mix between casual clothes and a traveler's outfit, one prominent feature on his clothes is a crescent moon crest he often carries around. He wears a purple-striped sweater, Jeans, and what appears to be hiking boots. He also has a long crimson cloak wrapped around his neck. It can be worn as either a scarf or a cowl.

His face is not visible in the shade of his cowl, except for his eyes, which shine brightly. Most darklings are beings made of Darkness, so if one were to even see under the hood, they'd just see a vantablack void with eyes. There is a relatively humanoid face there; it's just covered in darkness. Quite literally.

► stats, abilities, and skills;

-Base Stats-

Physical Strength/Muscle (STR/MUS) - 5/15
Constitution/Body Strength (CON/BOD) - 7/15
Quickness/Agility (QUI/AGI) - 9/15
Spirit/Demonic Energy (SPR/DME) - 10/15
Pulchritude/Charisma (PUL/CHA) - 9/15
Wit/Intelligence (WIT/INT) - 11/15
Imagination/Willpower (IMA/WIL) - 15/15

-Skill Stats-

Magic - 5/5
Summoning - 2/5
Melee Weapons - 3/5
Gunslinging/Firearms - 5/5
Throwing Weapons - 1/5
Etiquette - 3/5
Negotiation - 2/5
First Aid - 3/5


-Special Abilities-

Damage Resistance (Natural) - Darklings are very tough creatures by nature. While conventional weapons can HURT them, they won't cause any real injuries. For example, a grenade to a Darkling's chest is the equivalent of a human getting punched by a boxer; in the best-case scenario, it may leave a mark.

Body Morphing (Natural) - Darklings are Magical creatures by nature. They can use their Spirit energy (inherent non-elemental magic) to change their bodies for a certain time period. From stretchy limbs to increasing their own mass. The effects last for 1 minute at best. Though with enough training, it can last up to 30 minutes.

Zeno can morph his body for 5 minutes before he has to revert. Let it be known that the more complex the morph, the more magic/energy it's needed, and it can be maintained for less time. This applies to all Darklings.

Gunslinging (Skill) - While most Darklings consider Firearms to be a primitive thing of the past. Zeno had taken a liking to some firearms. Especially the revolver, The famous western Six Shooter. And the Thompson submachine gun. He can shoot one of those pretty well; he's also known for reloading rifles and shotguns with relative quickness.

Bullet Infusion (Technique) - Through experimentation, Zeno learned to infuse his bullets with Magic. Allowing him to cast his spells from a distance, and even multiply the bullets' damage tenfold.

Umbrakinesis (Skill) - Darkness is arguably the most unique element in existence, and thus one of the most eldritch forces of nature one can warp. Because of this, Zeno can create, shape, and manipulate darkness and shadows. It can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance.

Shadow Step (Dark Affinity) - Zeno can move at full speed through difficult terrain, as long as the terrain is dark enough. Sometimes, even faster, depending on the light level.

Enhanced Vision (Dark Affinity) - Most Darklings can adopt traits from studying a certain type of Magic for enough time. Since Zeno studied Dark Magic, he has developed traits such as the ability to see better in Low-light Environments. Similar to a nocturnal animal's vision.

Hex/Curse Immunity (Dark Affinity) - Similar to the explanation above. Zeno developed a natural immunity to certain hexes and curses through his studies. Rendering them useless.

Life Sensor (Nature Affinity) - Thanks to Zeno's knowledge of Nature Magic and Life in general, Zeno can sense life itself and even visualize it if he so desires. Just by looking at a target, he can check if someone is alive or not. He can also touch objects to track if there are any "life trails", as well.

(Dark Spells)

Card Trick - A multipurpose spell that can be used both in combat and for practical uses, when used in combat, the user attacks with a magical playing card that has various effects.

The user can use this spell to turn mundane objects into cards and store them for later use, the user can prioritize card-ified objects with a number. Aces are the top priority, and tens are the lowest.

Flux - Attacks with a sphere of darkness. It's a rather large projectile that damages a single target. Can be fired in many ways.

Aeon Shot - Releases a volley of Smaller, Dark projectiles, similar to Flux, but seemingly weaker and more widespread. It aims to bring down multiple targets instead of just one.

Shadow Tether - Creates dark, thorn-covered vines that deal damage to all opposing targets in a 40-foot area and may ensnare them, halting their movement.
The caster can also use this spell in more mundane ways.
Shadow Tethers can be used as ropes, whose movements can be controlled at will, allowing the caster to swing from place to place and even tie something up.

Dark Wave - The user bursts out Darkness from all over their body to repel and/or damage the opponents around them. It may also cause some projectiles to dissipate.

Soul Steal (Dark + Nature Magic) - Absorbs a target's life force and heals the caster. The closer he is, the more effective the absorption will be. When a creature is killed by this spell, its soul is absorbed into the caster.

Summon Spirit - Summons a Dark Spirit to help in battle.

(Nature Spells)

Chlorokinesis - Anyone who studies in the school of Nature Magic gains the ability to control predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae (and usually fungi, too) via magic, whether passively or actively.

Pollen of Life - Slowly heals wounds over time. Can mend Broken bones and reattach limbs given enough time and pollen.

Petal Storm - The caster generates a whirlwind of razor-sharp leaves and flower petals and showers them toward the target.

Green Wind - Conjures poisonous plants that release Toxic gases.

Outta Sight - Renders the caster or an ally invisible by camouflaging them with the scenery, akin to a chameleon, rendering them unable to be targeted by physical attacks.

Create Life - Transforms mundane objects into living beings. Only one object can be transformed at a time. Once the spell's effect is over, the object returns to its original shape.

Killer Virus (Nature + Dark Magic) - Releases a deadly virus that rapidly multiplies inside any organic matter, destroying the flesh of anything it infects. The virus indiscriminately attacks all life forms, whether they be people, animals, or other plants.

Fortunately, the virus is very fragile, doesn't spread very far, and dies quickly when exposed to strong lights. This spell is extremely dangerous and is only considered a last resort.
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