The Angel that became a Demon

Basic information
name: Skylar Mooncrusher
Nickname/titles: sky/the angel that became a demon
date of birth: unknown
Occupation: work in a magic shop in the underworld
Species: demon.
Like: dark magic and explosives
Dislike: most angles
Hobby: crimes and model airplanes
Backstory: he was born as a angel but was put in a ritual that makes them in to a demon and lives in the underworld also have a crush on the king of demon.
Furry information
height: 4 ft 5 inches
weight: 100 lb
Age: looks to be: 20 but is 300 years old
Animal: raccoon
Appearance: is a raccoon with red shirt.
Demon/angel information
Angel [] or demon [x] or hybrid [] other []
Height: 7 ft 5 inc
Age: 300 Year old
Appearance: has blue hair, black wings, white pale skin and black demon tail.
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