angst / whump roleplay?

hiiiiii!!! im looking for a whump roleplay? im 16 and i only play male characters, so like yayayay

i wanted it to be set in a music sort of scenario, like they are in a pretty popular band together, and your character would use that to hurt mine?

the charater i plan on using is håkan. hes very delusional, has an eating disorder as well as problems self harms. he struggles with schizophrenia and cotards delusion and overall is just really f***ed in the head ell oh ell

i was thinking that your character would kind of exploit my characters self destructive behavior, like, use those things about him to make their band seem edgy and cool or whatever. but i also would loke them to try and comfort him after aswell, like a manipulation thing i guess?

i also thought an unrequited love thing would be neat too! like maybe he is in love with your character, and they use that to their advantage. this isnt required, though.

i have some rules, so, bleh. they're mostly normal though? just have patience, be atleast semi lit, as i am semi lit to novella, be within my age range, and dont use real people as a face claim.
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0 | May 16th 2024 04:10