
WARNING - Themes of drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, mental/physical abuse, and sexual abuse. If you are uncomfortable please ask and I'll be happy to send you an amended bio.

- "Camen, Carmen, doesn't have a problem." -

- Full Name -
Charlotte Carmen Myers

- "She laughs, like god." -

- Nicknames/Alias -
Carmen, Smarty, Lottie

- "It's alarming, honestly, how charming she can be." -

- Appearance -
Carmen cycles through various "natural" hair colours, but her natural colour is dark brunette. She often dresses in indulgent, revealing clothing. She has a particular love for fur coats which are a staple when the nights get a little colder. She spends a lot of time and money on grooming and is rarely seen without a blowout and a full-face of make-up.

- "The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen."

- Relationships -
Carmen has a strained relationship with her parents and siblings, having little to no contact with them at all. The majority of friendships she had were formed in boarding school, however she made no effort to stay in touch with any of them after graduating. She avoids keeping anyone close to her for too long which has lead to her solitude.

- "Lyin' to herself, 'cause her liquor's top-shelf." -

- Health -
Carmen has numerous undiagnosed personality disorders, with one school consuellor suggesting that even as a young teenager she showed symtoms of sociopathy. While her will is strong, she has multiple addictions. The most obvious of which is alcoholism. She does believe she could easily kick the habit, but just hasn't found a good reason to. She has formed brief habits with numerous "party" drugs all of which she has managed to start and stop at will.

- "Working for fun, gettin' high for free. I'm dying." -

- Personality -
Everything about Carmen's exterior is a show. She can play multiple parts depending on what will benefit her. She's not afraid to play dumb, hiding that she's actually rather intellgent. She's a particularly skilled writer, having dabbled in poetry, music and kept up a diary since she was young. She knows how to have fun and is unafraid to make a spectacle of herself on the dancefloor.
When things don't go her way, she struggles to hide her frustrations. She has a hot temper that can manifest in physical outbursts. She believes that when people f*** you over, revenge is the only answer.
Deep down Carmen is extremely insecure, volatile and ultimately weak. She's only likely to show this side when she's alone, or at her lowest. Even those that manage to get close might never see her like this.
Despite this, she still retains enough positivity to know how to have fun. She's at her most peaceful when out on the road, taking in sights and enjoying the more simple things in life.

- "Baby's all dressed up with nowhere to go." -

- Skills and Hobbies -
Carmen is manipulative and adaptable, particularly adept at giving men just enough of what they want so she can come out on top. Her experience in gang life taught her enough basic skills to protect herself, particularly with firearms.
Whenever she gets the chance, she enjoys singing. She even writes her own music, most of which she prefers to keep to herself.

- "Put your red dress on. Put your lipstick on. Sing a song, song. Now the camera's on." -

- Backstory -
Born in a suburb of Long Beach, California to a traditional nuclear family, Charlotte was trouble from the start. Years of watching her parents bicker grew her into a rebelious teenager, getting her kicked out of two public schools for violent and disruptive behaviour. It wasn't until her parents caught her at age 15, drinking at a college party that they sent her to boarding school. It did little to fix her behaviour, instead just making her more resentful.
When she graduated, she stole a couple hundred dollars from her father's wallet and ran off to the city of LA. She started going by her middle name, Carmen. She spent her first couple years getting by smuggling and selling party drugs in clubs, wrapping herself up in gang violence that ultimately lead to her having to flee.
After pissing off the wrong guy, she left LA in her own pick-up truck, moving between different cities along the west coast. She never spent more than a couple weeks in each place, making money by taking advantage of richer criminals and business men. All it took was to catch them drunk enough to manipulate, a couple dates and just enough expensive gifts before she vanished.
She repeats this cycle, floating through life barely avoiding the consequences of her actions.
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7 | Apr 26th 2024 07:49