Zion | OC

First Name : Zion
Last name : ??
Race : Black, Light skin tone.
Age : 18 - 24
Job : ?
Sex : Gay
Position : Switch
Species : Human | Werewolf

Hair : Dark black hair. Pretty short, extremely curly.
Eyes : Dark blue eyes. They shine by his pupil in the sunlight : His eyes are memorizing.
Height : 6’4-6’5 ish.
Facial Features : Long eyelashes.
Clothing : T-shirts, Shirts he could tuck in. Wide leg pants along with an chain. An black leather jacket.


PAST : He was born in Italy. Zion was born in a loving family, he grew up well though began getting separated from his family at moments. Which lead him to plenty of confusion some sadness too. Through a transition of getting separated from his family, he stayed happy. He stayed strong still the loving and kind person he was. At age 12 he grew up with another family that wasn’t actually his, he never complained. He admired all the royalty he could. After he grew up ; he set off for something to do with his life. Soon learning he was something more than just a normal human.

PERSONALITY : Zion is a nice person, often he will be seen in places alone. So he can relax, he was a big fan of quiet places. He is very uplifting ; kind-hearted too. He could let anyone take advantage of him without realizing. He has a positive attitude and takes nature to inspiration. In his free time he draws pictures of the grass, sky, trees etc. Finding it very beautiful. When he is mad, he struggles to express it. When he’s sad, it’s the same thing. When he’s like that ; he gets his words mixed up, speaking quickly, seeming stressed. When he’s not he’s ; cheerful, smiling and always up to something fun.

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2 | Apr 18th 2023 13:13