✝ declan

name: declan cruz santos
nicknames: dec, cruz
age: (flexible through roles)
ethnicity: filipino
nationality: filipino/australian
july 23th, 2000
⠀zodiac: leo
⠀chinese zodiac: dragon
gender: male
voice: australian skaterboy accent (i just invented it)
occupation: busser (small subway shop), upcoming pro-surfer
school: the university of sydney
⠀major: marine science
sexual orientation: bisexual
⠀lean: male
sexual position: dominant/top
kinks: hair-pulling, slapping, hitting, spanking, name-calling, choking, quickies, basically rough sex

intermittent explosive disorder (anger explosive disorder)
⠀an impulse-control disorder in which has recurrent aggressive outbursts, sometimes becoming hostile or violent like destroying objects around him
⠀symptoms; mood swings or intense anger

traumatic brain injury (tbi)
⠀occurred from surfing in bad weather - 2011, a wave pulled him under and ultimately trudged him down onto the floor - ask him about it
⠀symptoms; anxiety, loneliness, sensitivity, slurred/difficulty speaking, moments of lost clarity/forgetfulness

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
⠀symptoms; struggles to keep interest in things, like school or work, he gets easily distracted at times

habits: rambling, being airheaded

physical appearance
height: 6 foot, 2 inches
weight: 185 lb
build: muscular
natural hair color: dark brown, almost black
current hair color: light brown
eye color: hazel brown
skin color: tan
face shape: square

(0-5) declan was born in the midst of the shores of boracay, into a fully fillipino family. his mother and father were very young to be having a child, being both nineteen at the time- this caused a whirlwind of financial and family problems at a very young age. dec was exposed to an abusive environment, and tended to rely on his mom more then his father- who he saw as a angry monster. his father left soon after, and his mom met an australian solider whom she married, and thus the three moved themselves to Sydney.

(5-18) dec was always close to his stepfather and mother, as they were his true parents. he grew up on the beach, and often went to play in the water and picked up surfing with his nearby neighbors. he grew up with salty hair, and a love for the sun. a passion for the ocean and anything everlasting about it grew inside him, and he decided to pursue the dream of being a pro-surfer. but due to his mom's complaining and whining, he currently attends college.

fun sht
music taste: rap/r&b
favorite artists: travis scott, blackbear
guilty pleasure: 2000's/early 2010's top hits
favorite food: dorito loco tacos.. cool ranch flavor
least favorite food: maple syrup/syrupy things
usually wearing: some general skater brand t-shirt or hoodie. baggy jeans or sweatshorts, mid blazers or vans
character song: chase atlantic's swim

REFERENCE: just search up zsmitty
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5 | Nov 22nd 2021 22:10