↬ Guidelines ↫

  Kia ora!

  A little bit about me. ♡

  ↬ I work full time & am a fish parent.
  ↬ My attention span is absolute garbage.
  ↬ I've been writing creatively for ten or so years, roleplaying for nearly the same amount of time.

  ↬ This is highly important to note:
   My motivation comes in spikes, so sometimes (though rarely) you might not hear from me for months at a time.    My mental health is up and down, especially as I'm on a high dose of medication. If you're not patient, or require    regular/consistent posts, I am not the writer for you. Response rate can be within 24 hours, to a week, to a    month or two. I'm about quality over quantity, so I'll only ever respond when I feel like I can give you something    that's worth contributing.

  ↬ I have favourites, sorry not sorry. (Looking at you @mariposa & @epicaricacy)
  ↬ If it's not dramatic, angry or violent, I don't want it.

  Here, you will find my musts:

  ↬ Chemistry to proceed with romance.
  ↬ Patience.
  ↬ Show, don't tell.
  ↬ Character development.
  ↬ Ideas, plot points, the ability to communicate and brainstorm.
  ↬ Lengthy stories/long term writing.

  I spend a lot of time with my fiancé and other hobbies, so I do tend to forget to check in here daily.
  That doesn't mean I've dropped the story!

Heart this
53 | Oct 20th 2021 01:21