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31 / Male / Forever Alone
Lost, Somewhere - United States
With over a decade of writing experience, I thrive on crafting vivid, detailed stories. Collaborating with writing partners to brainstorm and develop creative narratives is one of my greatest joys.

I enjoy exploring a variety of genres, from simple slice-of-life tales to intricate fantasy worlds filled with diverse characters. I'm also open to delving into darker, more taboo themes—there are no limits to my imagination. I'm here to help you create the perfect story, whatever it may be.

I have no strict rules or expectations; I only ask for your patience with my replies. My response times can vary—some days I can write multiple responses, while other days I might struggle to produce even one, depending on my mood.

I write exclusively for an 18+ audience due to the mature themes that might arise. Don't be deterred by my screen name; I promise to deliver an engaging story. Give me a chance, and let’s create something incredible together.

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Still kinda sick.. sorry to those still waiting for a reply.
2  May 25th 2024 20:36

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