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12 Friends



21 / Male / Single
United Kingdom
"Not long ago, I saved a small parched snake caught under the sun.

From that day on, wherever I went, it would follow me.

It was always there, even in my dreams.

Those nights, in those dreams, it would tower over me.

The creature, it would speak to me.

It owed me gratitude for saving its life. Gratitude, however, was not enough.

It wanted to worship me and to keep me in this dream forever.

This serpent, the spawn of all that is abhorrent, it is a threat to all that lives, breathes, and thinks.

It must be defeated."


Hey there, evening pal! Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I go by Bowie, and I'm a 20-year-old aspiring writer with a love of JRPGs, Soccer, Boxing, Books, Visual novels, and much, much more. I'm no stranger to the RP world, and I can confidently say I've got a knack for writing.

All the nitty-gritty details are tucked away in my blog, from original characters to all sorts of other things.
My main gig here is all about the writing, but I'm totally open to making some new pals along the way. Don't hesitate to drop a line and let's kick off a conversation whenever you fancy!

Cheers, mate.

Start roleplaying with members like TheBoyWhoHadWings!



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