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6 Friends



(Insanity Incarnate)
32 / Other / In Like
Hi there! Welcome. Have some hot chocolate. Thanks for checking in.
I promise that I'm nice! Just tired of bullsh*t. I also eat your leftovers.

A couple things before you consider adding me:

» If you can't reply to our stories within a month, and leave me without explanation as to why, I will delete you. I don't hunt you down for replies, I won't beg. I am not a project manager, roleplaying is my hobby.

» While I love a bit of everything in a story, I am not here to just write out your deepest sm*t fantasies. Come with an organic story building in mind, or don't add me.

» I have no preference as to race, gender, or alignment. I make up OCs for our story, so I can't really post much about characters - Sorry!

» No RL characters please, OCs only or OC enough so I don't have to research everything beforehand, thanks.

» I'm looking for a long-term writing partner who likes to work together for a great story, and not be dragged along in something they don't enjoy. Please be able to contribute, my back hurts from carrying an entire plot by myself.

»I write in third-person past tense, and English is my second language.

» I don't do set universes! If you like using elements of a universe, you are more than welcome to (think lightsabers from Star Wars or Tiefling from DnD), but I find living in a preset world boring and restrictive. Always open to ideas and different genres if you can intrigue me!

» If you only write single paragraphs as your standard, then we may not be a good match. My replies START at 4 paragraphs and more, I only write less if we are in a back and forth conversation that doesn't require a lot of build in the background. I love details and coming up with lore, let's have some fun throwing around inspiring pictures, songs or prompts.

Since I have no characters to show, enjoy some writing samples on my blog.

Start roleplaying with members like Solael!



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Latest Comments

If I had a jar. I'd keep Sol in it and keep her with me everywhere I went.
Dec 20th 2023 10:06

Sol is such a sweetie. Time flies when you get to know her. Before you know it, she's become your best friend... But stay away. She's mine. Or don't stay away. Your choice.
I bite.
Nov 26th 2023 16:43

Sol is the cutest ever. It's startling how good she is at writing bad guys that make me swoon. How dare she have this much power???
Aug 24th 2023 19:43

Literally so creative and funny! I never know where things are gonna go with the story, and it makes me super invested. I'm always on my toes and so excited to write with this beautiful bean.
Jul 30th 2023 01:33

Loving the new theme. Maybe I should get one too! Maybe something ice cream based?
Jul 9th 2023 14:50

Sol is legit so damn funny it hurts.
May 27th 2023 03:16

Ahhh, Sol. I LOVE this woman. I just can't believe that someone so generous, open-hearted and creative could exist. Each interaction with her is a huge smile drawn on my face. I just can't deal with so much snuggles.

To read her writing is like seeing a complex tapestry being woven by the Moiras. Her ability to write down some of the most well crafted pieces of stories, beautifully woven and how she works with the words is something that makes me keep going and try writing. You have been a huge influence in my life.

Thank you for being part of my life, darling. <3 ~Hmmmmm.
May 18th 2023 16:37

Aw, you're one of the most talented people I've written with so it means a lot to hear from you ❤️
Apr 16th 2023 13:16

I stan Solael. UwU Her writing is immaculate, her story telling is beautiful, and even ooc, she never fails to make me laugh. Def 10/10 rp partner. Should add.
Apr 3rd 2023 15:12

No, thank you ❤️ You're amazing
Mar 11th 2023 20:54